Mustafa El-Barghouti, the Deputy Secretary-General of the Palestinian National Initiative called for adopting a national strategy that combines the popular resistance and support for national steadfastness, mobilizes the broadest international solidarity movement and achieves national unity.
In a written statement, El-Barghouti said that Israeli government doesn’t want peace and seeks to replace the idea of an independent Palestinian state with the one of exercising autonomy under the occupation government.
“We are witnessing the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall when people were able to dismantle part of the apartheid wall which proves that nothing can stop the Palestinian people’s will who are eager to get rid of the occupation and achieve freedom and independence.”
El-Barghouti explained that these young people were able to use their hands to dismantle the wall pointing out to the inevitability of toppling the apartheid wall in the Occupied Territories the way the Berlin Wall was destroyed twenty years ago.
He added that Israel had turned the longest occupation in modern history to the worst system of racial discrimination in human history. He made it clear that there is now no choice but popular resistance in line with a sanctions movement and a total boycott of Israel.
Barghouti demanded to impose sanctions on Israel so as to compel it to stop its crimes in the Palestinian territories, freeze settlement as a prelude to remove it, and end its occupation of racial and arbitrary measures in Jerusalem and other Occupied Territories.
Barghouti, mentioned the efforts of the Turkish Consul in Jerusalem in the occasion of marking the end of his official term and expressed his gratitude for the Turkish positions in support of the Palestinian people.