UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon implored Israel to bring an end to “provocative” actions in East Jerusalem following the eviction of a third Palestinian family from their home in Sheikh Jarrah on Tuesday.
In a statement released by his spokesperson, Ban Ki-moon stressed that “these actions stoke tensions, cause suffering and further undermine trust,” a response to the eviction of the Al-Kurd family by Israeli settlers on Tuesday.
The UN secretary general further stated that Israel must “cease such provocative actions” and commit to carrying out its obligations under the Road Map peace plan which stipulates a halt to all settlement activity and the reopening of Palestinian institutions in East Jerusalem.
Ban Ki-moon referred to continued Israeli evictions and house demolitions across East Jerusalem and settlement growth as obstacles to peace and a derailment from the Road Map.
The eviction of the Al-Kurd family ensues that of the Al-Ghawi and Al-Maher families from their homes, also in Sheikh Jarrah, in August.
Source: Maan