The Dubai Deputy Police Chief Dhahi Khalfan’s allegations that Kuwait finances the Muslim Brotherhood have sparked a wave of fury in Kuwait and other Gulf countries.
The Kuwaiti MP Saleh Mohamed Al-Molla demanded his government to take a stand against the statements of Khalfan. He said on his Twitter account: “the government should verify the accusations by the co-called Khalfan regarding Kuwait’s terrorism funding. Otherwise, Kuwait should take legal measures against those who insulted it and its citizens.”
He added that “blackmailing Kuwait due to its balanced and neutral stance towards the Gulf crisis will not be helpful.”
The Kuwaiti twitter activist Nasser Ayed said: “we as Kuwaiti people have not seen any harm from the Kuwaiti Muslim Brotherhood, and we do not accept tutelage from others.”
Similarly, the Kuwaiti journalist Saad Al-Ajami slammed Gulf governments which support Al-Sisi, saying, “have Gulf countries decided to sell their peoples and buy Al-Sisi??? Al-Malky accused Saudi and Qatar of destabilizing his country, and Dhahi Khalfan accuses Kuwait of supporting terrorism!! No comment.”
Al-Ajami addressed the Kuwaiti foreign minister saying: “Sheikh Sabbah Al-Khaled and deputy minister Khaled Al-Jarallah, have you heard the statements of Dhahi Khalfan on Kuwait??”