Tunisia’s National Constituent Assembly, in a general meeting on Thursday, passed the country’s new electoral law with 132 voting for it, 11 against it and nine abstaining. In attendance were 152 out of 217 members of the assembly.
A few members attempted to postpone the voting; however, according to the New Arab website, chairperson Mahrzah Obeidi insisted that, “Postponement is not part of the assembly’s work,” and the vote subsequently took place.
The electoral law was passed while accompanied by the national anthem, allowing for a new phase of the transition, with the council achieving the most notable milestone yet towards the elections after the formation of the Independent Electoral High Commission.
One of the main points of contention in the electoral law had been whether or not to exclude former officials of the Ben Ali regime from government. However, the exclusion measure was eventually rejected by a single vote, with the Islamist Ennahda party opposing it. The measure was rejected by 100 members, with 27 voting for it and 46 abstaining.