The Palestinian Authority’s penchant for hypocrisy disguised as creativity appears to be limitless. In a recent interview published in the Washington Post, Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah gives an overview of all the concessions which the PA is ready to present to Israel in order to achieve a semblance of the two-state paradigm.
Echoing dependence in every phrase uttered, Hamdallah embarked upon a spectacular assertion reminiscent of what has enforced colonial violence and usurpation upon the Palestinian territory and population. “We’ve had assurances from the United States that after the Iranian deal, they will resume negotiations between us and the Israelis. We count on the [United] States and are sure they will deliver.”
The PA’s strategy to achieve Palestinian independence consists of another attempt at reassuring Israel of its loyalty to the Zionist colonial process. Aligning itself once again with France and the US, Hamdallah declared: “I hope we will be able to end the occupation and to establish the Palestinian state with ’67 borders and East Jerusalem as its capital.”
The French draft resolution is being discussed as “a new framework” despite the obvious flaws that continue to stipulate fragmentation of territory and people. Hence, as befits the current PA trend of seeking legitimacy from compromised international institutions, Hamdallah availed himself of the opportunity to declare the PA’s allegiance to organisations that seek the completion of the Zionist colonial process by insisting upon “a UN resolution that can guarantee an establishment of a Palestinian state.”
Conveniently ignoring the fact that resolutions granting Palestinians their fundamental rights have been ignored by Israel as well as the UN, which has repeatedly endorsed the settler-colonial state’s fabricated “right to defend itself”, Hamdallah employs the same tactics as the international community – namely divesting the current political trends from historical facts. Apart from the perpetual manipulation of Palestinian history authored by the PA, which seeks to impose the imperialist narrative upon the indigenous population, Hamdallah insisted upon a consolidation of the previous quest for legitimacy garnered from the coloniser and its allies.
As foreign intervention, particularly in the Middle East, becomes an entrenched phenomenon, Hamdallah explicitly calls for intervention in Palestine. “We need outside intervention from the UN, from the superpowers, from the United States.” This diplomatic intervention, according to Hamdallah, is necessary to establish a compromised Palestinian state burdened by demilitarisation and a third party controlling its borders. It should be remembered that in 2014, PA President Mahmoud Abbas was amenable to the notion of NATO providing border security in order to alleviate Israel’s alleged security concerns.
The only cohesion offered by Hamdallah in his interview is the adherence to simulations of history and reality – a necessity to safeguard the PA’s compromised existence. Counting the years under “occupation” while relegating colonisation to oblivion is a trend encouraged by the PA, exhibiting its complicity in ensuring Israel’s permanent presence. Evoking “a bright future for Israeli children and our children” provides the ultimate historical corruption. The betrayal of resistance has become a PA trademark. At the very least, Hamdallah should refrain from altruistically equating Palestinian children, whose existence depends upon the anti-colonial struggle, with Israeli settler children who play a role in consolidating the colonisation process.
The views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Middle East Monitor.