Freedom Flotilla yesterday called on Israel to release all of its activists which were “kidnapped on board the Marianne by the Israeli navy on Monday,” Quds Press reported.
In a statement, the group said that the Israeli navy assaulted the boat “violently” in the regional waters, towed it to the Israeli Ashdod seaport and kidnapped 18 activists.
“Israel’s action against the boat is a repetition of piracy acts that Israel used to carry out,” the statement said. “This proves that it is acting as a gang state on the eastern coasts of the Mediterranean.”
According to the statement, only four of the 18 activists “kidnapped” were released, including former Tunisian President Moncef Marzouki, an EU parliamentarian, an Israeli member of the Knesset and a reporter.
They reiterated that the Israeli navy “violently” assaulted the boat, challenging the Israeli narrative about the incident. Israel claimed that it quietly controlled the boat. “Israeli violence against the boat is documented,” the Freedom Flotilla statement said.
Adding that the continuous detention of the activists is illegal.
See also:
Palestinian factions accuse UN supporting Israeli attack on Freedom Flotilla
Al-Qaradawi calls for lifting siege on Gaza, hails Freedom Flotilla activists
Jordan calls on Israel to respect immunity of its MPs on the Freedom Flotilla