Arab Parliament President Ahmed Al-Jarwan warned against the continued increase in Israeli’s ethnical cleansing policy in occupied Jerusalem and of “its policy of blotting out the historic identity of the city and its close association with the Palestinian people”, which he said is “increasing on a daily basis.”
A statement issued by the Arab Parliament yesterday siad that Al-Jarwan sent these warnings to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. Al-Jarwan added: “No one yet has successfully held Israel accountable for this errant policy.”
Al-Jarwan also urged Ki-moon “to apply pressure on Israel and the international community to implement means to protect the Palestinian people from acts of violence against them and from ethnic cleansing while pushing along the imperative for the restoration of all Palestinian rights in an independent state of their own with Jerusalem for its capital.”
He added: “With such pressure, it would be possible to scale back Israeli aggression against the Palestinians, their land and their rights, and consequently achieving peace for the whole region and the world as well.”