A senior delegation from Islamic Jihad in Palestine arrived in Moscow on Monday to discuss the Palestinian cause with Russian officials, the organisation has confirmed in a media statement.
Islamic Jihad pointed out that an official invitation was received from the Russian Foreign Ministry to visit Moscow for this purpose. The delegation includes Secretary-General Ziyad Al-Nakhalah.
“We will discuss mutual relations that serve the interests of the Palestinians, mobilise international support for our legitimate national rights and seek ways to face up to the policies of the Israeli occupation,” said the movement.
Last week, the Russians had discussions with Hamas, according to Mousa Abu Marzook of the movement’s Political Bureau. Indeed, Moscow has held meetings with officials from several Palestinian factions to discuss reconciliation efforts in particular.
Mikhail Bogdanov, Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister and Presidential Special Envoy for the Middle East and Africa, is leading the communication initiative with the Palestinian factions.
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