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Reports: Israel may stop direct flights to Egypt’s Sharm El-Sheikh

11 months ago
Flight screens are seen at a check in stand before the passenger plane taking off for 2022 FIFA World Cup at the Ben Gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv, Israel on November 20, 2022 [Mostafa Alkharouf - Anadolu Agency]

Flight screens are seen at a check in stand before the passenger plane taking off for 2022 FIFA World Cup at the Ben Gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv, Israel on November 20, 2022 [Mostafa Alkharouf - Anadolu Agency]

The Israeli government is considering cancelling direct flights between Tel Aviv and the Egyptian resort of Sharm El-Sheikh in a sign of a freeze in Israeli-Egyptian relations at the political level, local media reported.

The Israeli public radio (Kan) yesterday quoted an Israeli official as saying that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will hold a meeting next week to examine the political and security implications of cancelling the flights.

The direct route between Tel Aviv and Sharm El-Sheikh was launched more than a year ago, with the aim of improving ties and encouraging tourism from Israel in Sinai.

According to Kan, Sharm El-Sheikh in particular, and South Sinai in general, are popular destinations for Israeli tourists, “despite the security threat”.

Israeli airlines operate 13 flights to Sharm El-Sheikh per week.

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