
Creating new perspectives since 2009


Ismail Yasha

The author is a Turkish journalist.


Items by Ismail Yasha

  • Why is Erdogan in a hurry to meet Assad?

    The President of the Turkish Republic, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, mentioned a few days ago that he may extend an invitation to Bashar Al-Assad to visit Turkiye at any moment, expressing his desire to restore his country’s relations with the Syrian regime. He said in his statements to reporters, “We...

  • Where does Istanbul Mayor Imamoglu get his popularity from?

    There are only about ten days remaining before the local elections in Turkiye and the candidates are making their final campaign efforts to convince hesitant voters to vote for them on 31 March. Istanbul is expected to witness the fiercest democratic competition in the city’s election. The full attention...

  • Turkiye: The opposition coalition has gone with the wind of local elections

    The Peoples’ Equality and Democracy Party, known by the acronym, DEM, announced that it will be running in the local elections in Istanbul with its candidates, without allying with any other party. This turned the calculations of the Republican People’s Party (CHP) candidate and the Mayor of Istanbul, Ekrem...

  • Will Erdogan hand the refugees back to the Syrian regime?

    Last week, Turkish Defence Minister Hulusi Akar met with his Russian and Syrian counterparts, Sergei Shoigu and Ali Mahmoud Abbas respectively, in Moscow, in what was the first official contact between Ankara and Damascus at the ministerial level in eleven years. The heads of Turkish and Syrian intelligence were...

  • What does Turkey gain from gifting Lithuania a drone?

    Lithuania launched a popular campaign to collect donations to buy the armed Bayraktar drone from Turkey to gift to Ukraine. The required amount was raised within days, but Turkey’s Baykar, the company that manufactures the drones, announced that it is gifting one of the drones to Lithuania and asked...

  • There’s more to the gas crisis between Iran and Turkey than meets the eye

    Iran has announced that it stopped the flow of natural gas to Turkey for ten days, starting from 20 January, due to a “technical failure”. This resulted in an electricity crisis for factories in Turkey. Questions have been raised about the validity of the Iranian justification and the reality...

  • Erdogan's upcoming visit to Saudi Arabia

    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced his intention to visit Saudi Arabia in February, at the invitation of King Salman Bin Abdulaziz. The announcement came in Erdogan’s answer to a Turkish businesswoman’s question about the undeclared Saudi ban on Turkish goods and her demand that this problem be solved. The...

  • Turkey faces a new round in its economic battle

    Turkey witnessed a historic night on Monday after the statements made by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan when announcing that the government will take new measures to prevent the decline of the Turkish lira against the US dollar. The price of the dollar fell sharply within minutes, from the rate...

  • Turkish-American relations face a new test

    Reuters news agency published news a few days ago about Ankara’s desire to buy 40 F-16 fighters from the US, as well as purchasing 80 modernization kits to service its existing warplanes, after Turkey was excluded from the F-35 program and denied access to those planes since Ankara purchased...

  • Relief in Ankara at signs of improved relations with Riyadh

    Turkish-Saudi relations have witnessed signs of improvement in recent days, in light of other developments and new international and regional equations imposed by the victory of the Democratic candidate, Joe Biden, in the US presidential elections. These indicators led to relief in Ankara, because it would give it the...

  • Why is the Turkish opposition demanding early elections?

    Speaking on a television programme two weeks ago, the head of Turkey’s Republican People’s Party (CHP), Kemal Kilicdaroglu, urged the head of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), Devlet Bahceli, to demand early elections: “The salvation of this country lies in an early election as soon as possible. I tell...

  • An Egyptian or Russian message?

    Last week, the Russian Ministry of Defence announced that the Russian and Egyptian parties will meet in order to prepare for joint naval exercises to be held in the Black Sea under the name “Friendship Bridge 2020”. In December 2019, Russia and Egypt held naval exercises in the Mediterranean...

  • Turkey aims to rid itself of the shackles imposed by energy imports

    Last Friday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced in Istanbul that the Fatih drilling ship has discovered reserves of 320 billion cubic metres of natural gas in the Black Sea, and that Turkey will start using this in 2023. This is also when the country will celebrate its centenary...

  • Turkey has a legitimate presence in the Mediterranean Sea

    The Turkish ship Oruc Reis set off from the port of Antalya and reached its destination on Monday morning where it is to carry out seismic surveys after Ankara issued a warning on Sunday evening regarding an area located within its territorial waters. However, Greece claims that the area...

  • How will Turkey respond to Egypt’s intervention in Libya?

    The Egyptian parliament agreed on Monday to authorise President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi to send the army on combat missions abroad to “defend Egyptian national security”. The move came as the date approaches for the military operation expected to be launched by the internationally recognised Government of National Accord (GNA)...

  • Quartet summit and its files

    On Tuesday evening, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan discussed the files of Syria and Libya, in addition to the files of illegal immigration, Turkish-European relations, and the coronavirus crisis, with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron. This quadripartite summit would have...

  • Turkey has given Europe a choice: deter Russia from bombing Idlib, or face more refugees

    When Turkey opened its border to refugees wishing to go to Europe this week, a large number started flocking to Edirne and the coastal areas from all over the country to cross via land and sea into Greece. This has raised concerns in Athens and other European capitals. Since the...

  • Turkey’s message to Russia is clear

    At dawn on Monday, Syrian regime forces targeted a Turkish observation post in the Idlib governorate, killing eight Turkish citizens, one of them a civilian. The Turkish army responded immediately to the attack, explained Defence Minister Hulusi Akar, and bombed 54 targets belonging to the regime, killing 76 Syrian...

  • AKP’s chances in the local elections

    The Turkish President and head of the Justice and Development Party (AKP), Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and the leader of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), Devlet Bahceli, succeeded in rescuing the People’s Alliance, an electoral alliance, from disintegration. The two parties reached understandings whereby each of them makes concessions to...

  • Turkey’s local elections and the fate of the alliances

    Public opinion has for days been preoccupied with the assassination of the famous Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi – may he rest in peace – in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul on 2 October. This preoccupation is largely due to the strangeness of the incident, the brutal nature of the...

  • Why has the AKP’s popularity declined?

    The unofficial results of the early presidential and parliamentary elections held last Sunday in all parts of Turkey showed the victory of the President and People’s Alliance candidate, Recep Tayyip Erdogan in the first round, in addition to winning a majority in the Turkish parliament. The Supreme Electoral Council announced...

  • Who will the Kurds vote for in the Turkish elections?

    Turkey’s presidential and parliamentary elections will be held in less than a month. Given the alignment of political parties and the formation of two electoral alliances, many observers and analysts are asking who the Turkish citizens of Kurdish origin will vote for. Even the smallest difference in support for...

  • A new crisis in Turkey-Israel relations

    Relations between Turkey and Israel deteriorated after the assault by Israeli commandos on the Turkish-registered Mavi Marmara in international waters in May 2010; nine Turkish citizens on board were killed and another died of his wounds later. The ship was sailing towards the Gaza Strip as part of the...

  • The Turkish opposition is repeating past mistakes

    Turkish political parties have begun intensifying their election campaigns with the imminent, early presidential and parliamentary elections due to take place on 24 June. The campaigns have been divided into two camps: The People’s Alliance, formed by the Justice and Development Party (AKP), the Nationalist Movement Party, and the...