Rahim Hamid
Rahim Hamid is an Ahwazi Arab freelance journalist and human rights advocate who mainly writes about the plight of his people in Iran.
Items by Rahim Hamid
- October 2, 2019 Rahim Hamid
Iran is using terrorism charges to execute 30 Ahwazi activists
Fears are growing that the Iranian regime intends to execute at least 30 Ahwazi detainees, possibly en masse, in the near future, taking advantage of the world’s attention being diverted to the standoff between Iran and Saudi Arabia. The planned execution was announced at a press conference on 19 September,...
- August 5, 2019 Rahim Hamid
Iran tortures, executes two more Ahwazi Arab activists
Iranian regime authorities executed two more Ahwazi Arab activists in the Fajr prison in the city of Dazful at around dawn yesterday, following months of torture during which both were forced to make false confessions. The families of the two men, 38-year-old Abdullah Karmollah Chab and 32-year-old Ghassem Abdullah, were...
- November 14, 2018 Rahim Hamid
Amnesty fears Ahwaz activists ‘secretly assassinated’ in Iran
On Tuesday, Amnesty International issued a public statement conveying its deep concern over reports of mass executions of Ahwazi detainees by the Iranian regime following months of detention, supposedly in retaliation for an attack on an Iranian military parade in the Arab region of southwestern Iran. “Iranian authorities must immediately...
- September 18, 2018 Rahim Hamid
Iran: Trapped between a military rock and an economic hard place
Those who follow US politics are aware that various corporate interests, political lobbies and power-brokers are responsible for creating the red or green lines in presidential policy. In other words, the power of influence lies with the major firms, banks, media networks, and rich and politically well-connected lobbyists, not to...
- September 7, 2018 Rahim Hamid
Basra is being torched to save Iran from US sanctions
The rapidly accelerating developments and rising the public anger in Basra should not be analysed as separate from the ongoing deliberations to form the Iraqi government, with forecasts suggesting that those calling for ending the Iranian regime’s influence in Iraq will emerge victorious. The ongoing crisis in the oil-rich city...
- August 24, 2018 Rahim Hamid
Iran’s targeting of killing young Ahwazis
Twenty-year-old Sajad Zergani was shot dead by Iranian regime security forces at a checkpoint in the Zawiya neighbourhood of Ahwaz on 16 August. Initial reports suggest that officers opened fire at Sajad and his friend without any warning. Sajad died shortly after. While there are no details to date...
- August 17, 2018 Rahim Hamid
Ahwazi prisoner has permanent spinal damage after Iran regime torture
Ahmad Kaabi, a political prisoner in Ahwaz, was tortured so severely after his detention for attending a protest in 2011 that he has suffered permanent spinal damage that leaves him in constant, excruciating pain, exacerbated by constant mental and physical abuse by regime prison personnel. According to the Ahwaz Centre...
- August 1, 2018 Rahim Hamid
The tragic suicide of a 12-year-old Ahwazi boy in Iran
A 12-year-old Ahwazi boy is reported to have committed suicide on Tuesday, 24 July. His death has sparked outrage on social media at the state-sponsored racial discrimination and hardship faced by Iran’s minority Ahwazi population. The suicide came after the boy’s mother was forced to sell his mobile phone...
- July 3, 2018 Rahim Hamid
Ahwazis ask for clean water but get live bullets from the Iranian regime instead
Iranian government forces used tear gas and live ammunition against Ahwazi protesters in the city of Muhammarah on Saturday. One protester was shot dead, while dozens of others were wounded in the demonstration calling for clean, drinkable water and condemning government injustices. Footage on social media shows a few moments...
- June 8, 2018 Rahim Hamid
The world remains silent on Iran’s murder of Ahwazi activists
While Palestinians are killed daily with the complicit silence of the international community, Iran’s regime presents itself as the heroic defender of Palestinian and wider Arab freedom. In fact, it subjects Iran’s Ahwazi Arab population in southwestern Iran to the same murderous brutality and racist contempt as Israel does...
- May 8, 2018 Rahim Hamid
‘Iran killed my daughter’s dreams, torched her childhood and destroyed her future’
All nine-year-old Mariam dreams of is a doll to play with; unfortunately, even that everyday child’s comfort is too great a dream. Despite her tender years, this little girl has already experienced more suffering than most adults could ever imagine. The Iranian regime has already demolished her family’s home, stolen...
- September 29, 2017 Rahim Hamid
Assassination: A tool to suppress dissent in Syria
The brutal killing of the prominent Syrian dissidents Dr. Orouba Barakat and her daughter Halla Barakat in their home in Istanbul last week is widely acknowledged to be the latest in a long line of assassinations by the Assad regime. According to media reports, Turkish police found the bodies...
- September 18, 2017 Rahim Hamid
IRGC uses crack epidemic as a means of destroying resistance among Ahwazis
A crack epidemic is devastating the poverty-stricken Arab Al-Ahwaz region of Iran, with credible reports suggesting that the regime’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) are behind the manufacture and distribution of the deadly and highly addictive opiate in the region. Addiction rates are skyrocketing amongst young people in the region...
- September 11, 2017 Rahim Hamid
Arab Ahwaz in Iran’s prisons malnourished and tortured
An Iranian regime “Revolutionary Court” in the Arab Ahwaz region has sentenced two Ahwazi human rights activists to death and another six to life imprisonment, using charges of ‘Moharebeh’ or “enmity to God” as a pretext for the grotesquely harsh sentences. The names of the activists on death row...
- August 29, 2017 Rahim Hamid
Pollution threatens the Ahwazi Arabs of Iran
Activists in the Ahwazi region have circulated images of what they call an environmental tragedy affecting the area ...
- April 19, 2017 Rahim Hamid
Iran accused of manipulating the Palestinian cause while hiding its colonialism against Ahwazi Arabs
The Iranian regime often draws upon its “resistance” credentials, frequently condemning Israel’s forcible expropriation of Palestinian people’s lands and homes as well as the expulsion of the people themselves, referring to these acts as crimes against humanity and systematic ethnic cleansing. Iran also makes regular and vociferous arguments that...