
Creating new perspectives since 2009


Ramona Wadi

Ramona Wadi is an independent researcher, freelance journalist, book reviewer and blogger. Her writing covers a range of themes in relation to Palestine, Chile and Latin America.


Items by Ramona Wadi

  • Despite professed support for Palestinians, Russian rhetoric falls within set parameters

    The “Jerusalem Intifada”, as Hamas calls it, has elicited predictable statements by the international community urging caution and calm; most are based upon an unfounded premise that makes no distinction between the coloniser and the colonised. In recent days, Hamas has been escalating its rhetoric, stating that the resistance...

  • Resistance movements should incorporate historical Palestinian memory

    After much speculation and debate about whether Palestinian resistance in the occupied West Bank constitutes a third intifada, Palestinian leaders have incorporated the term into their discourse. However, labelling the current surge in Palestinian resistance as an “uprising” is irrelevant. It is far more important to delve into the...

  • EU concordance with Israeli state terror

    The latest upsurge in Israeli state and settler terrorism is not without recent precedent and precautions which are easily overlooked as the world resumes its spectator stance while Palestinians fall as its victims. Since the terrorist arson attack by Jewish settlers in Duma in July, Netanyahu’s government has incited...

  • EU concordance with Israeli state terror

    The latest upsurge in Israeli state and settler terrorism is not without recent precedent and precautions which are easily overlooked as the world resumes its spectator stance while Palestinians fall as its victims. Since the terrorist arson attack by Jewish settlers in Duma in July, Netanyahu’s government has incited...

  • Erekat demonstrates extent of the PA’s incompetence

    Among the various statements made by Palestinian leaders regarding Israeli settler and state violence, PLO Secretary General Saeb Erekat epitomised the height of political incapacity yesterday when he declared that “the Palestinian leadership will not remain silent in the face of persisting Israeli escalation in the occupied territories, and...

  • Israeli violence, Palestinian resistance and Abbas’s pleas for foreign interference

    Israeli settlers and soldiers have increased their use of violence in recent days following the murder of 19 year old student Hadil Hashlamoun last month. The latest extrajudicial killing by Israel, of Palestinian teenager Fadi Alloun, has once again demonstrated that, despite general outrage and notorious publicity, the world’s...

  • More diplomatic concessions at the UN for Israel’s existence

    Fabricated claims of UN bias against Israel continue to fuel Israeli media reports covering this year’s UN General Assembly. As Mahmoud Abbas played the usual game of fluctuating threats mellowed into diluted warnings, Israel embarked upon its own predictable propaganda tactic to portray international leaders as being intent on...

  • Abbas’s gratitude for Al-Sisi’s duplicitous role

    After much speculation about Mahmoud Abbas’s allegedly forthcoming bombshell, which officials in Ramallah have claimed will be an announcement to end the Oslo Accords, a meeting between the Palestinian Authority president and his Egyptian counterpart Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi has proved, once again, the extent of collaboration between the PA...

  • Statistics, complicity and the erosion of Palestinian rights

    In the wake of government-supported, Zionist settler violence in Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, violations and destruction have been documented and analysed by Euro-Med Monitor. A report titled “Fire under the ashes provoking Muslims in Jerusalem” insists that the Israeli incitement against Palestinian Muslims is likely to trigger an uprising “that...

  • Expect more delusional rhetoric from Abbas at the UN

    A lot of speculation has gripped the media with regard to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s forthcoming speech at the UN General Assembly on 29 September. Reports in the Times of Israel have cited contradicting claims, with European diplomats insisting that he will not dismantle the PA or annul...

  • Focus activism on individuals as part of the wider struggle to be really effective

    Triumphs for Palestinian political prisoners placed under administrative detention by Israel are generally short-lived. Operation Brother’s Keeper last year provided the Zionist state with an excuse to re-arrest former hunger striker Samer Issawi under the pretext of maintaining security following the deaths of three Israeli-settler teenagers. On Wednesday, the Israeli...

  • The Israeli ambassador, the UN and intentional deception

    The outgoing Israeli ambassador to the UN, Ron Prosor, is utilising the final days of his posting to regurgitate an abbreviated appeal of his earlier speeches. From selective statistics to contemptuous tirades against the United Nations, Prosor’s agenda throughout an interview with Ynet news is to convey the erroneous...

  • Palestinian education remains compromised by UNRWA

    UNRWA has long propagated the slogan that education is the only hope for Palestinians in Gaza. Undergoing various forms of paraphrasing, the emphasis placed by the agency upon education, however, remains hampered by the fact that compromise is still an integral component of what’s on offer. Prior to the commencement...

  • The EU takes the opportunity to encourage further bloodshed

    The European Union is employing the same dissociation tactics utilised by governments and media to speak about the ramifications of violence while negating the role of foreign intervention. The intentional manipulation of the UN resolution that justified NATO’s destruction of Libya is no longer an issue for the EU. Instead,...

  • The EU takes the opportunity to encourage further bloodshed

    The European Union is employing the same dissociation tactics utilised by governments and media to speak about the ramifications of violence while negating the role of foreign intervention. The intentional manipulation of the UN resolution that justified NATO’s destruction of Libya is no longer an issue for the EU. Instead,...

  • Ensuring the precedence of symbolism over Palestinian rights

    Instead of focusing upon international organisations as a platform through which the Palestinian struggle can be articulated and disseminated, the Palestinian Authority has once again prioritised symbolism over rights. The latest initiative consisted of a draft resolution to be presented at the UN General Assembly meeting on 25 September,...

  • Herzog demands the suppression of Palestinian resistance

    A meeting between Israeli opposition leader Isaac Herzog and PA President Mahmoud Abbas last Tuesday elicited further demands with regard to security coordination with Israel, despite the increase in Jewish settlers’ terror attacks against Palestinian civilians. Reportedly initiated by Abbas, according to Haaretz, the meeting was a recapitulation of...

  • Allan’s hunger-strike reveals UN complacency with human rights violations

    International solidarity with Mohammed Allan, whose hunger strike has garnered significant attention due to the recently approved law requiring medical personnel to force-feed prisoners embarking upon this form of protest, has obscured other factors in the wider framework of human rights violations carried out by Israel. Emphasis upon freeing...

  • Post-Duma arson, Ya'alon promotes further incitement against Palestinians

    Last Tuesday, Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Ya’alon gave an example of his twisted logic as he discussed security, intelligence and “Palestinian terror groups” during a tour of the occupied West Bank. Despite increasing numbers of Jewish settler attacks upon Palestinian civilians, some resulting in murder, Ya’alon urged the colonial...

  • Repressing Palestinian prisoners' anti-colonial struggle

    Benjamin Netanyahu’s emulation of Guantanamo torture – the force-feeding of Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike in Israeli jails — has resurfaced once again, occupying the usual hype which detracts from the real issues at hand. At the same time it reinforces the reality of the link between the state,...

  • Hamas opposition to unity government needs stronger resistance

    The Palestinian unity government is keeping up with the trend of fomenting further discord, ridiculing its existence and proving its role as collaborator against the Palestinian cause. Since its inception, the unity government flourished as an extension of the Palestinian Authority’s repressive and exploitative policies, ensuring its existence through...

  • Reaping the consequences of unrivalled impunity

    Following the Israeli settler atrocity involving the burning of 18-month-old Ali Saad Dawabsha the PA is once again indulging in its favourite past times – resorting to international organisations, pondering the possibility of halting security coordination with Israel and seeking “international protection” for Palestinians – the latter aided by...

  • Erekat, Israel and the international agenda

    Following his usual hyperbole accusing the international community of aiding Israel’s impunity, PLO Secretary-General Saeb Erekat displayed the PA’s synchronisation with the prevailing international agenda by participating in a series of secret meetings with Israeli law makers. The most recent was reported to have taken place in Amman, Jordan,...

  • Attaining 'unity' away from the PA is vital for Hamas

    Turmoil and discord continue to characterise the Palestinian unity government as it persists in adhering to the imperialist agenda concocted during “Operation Protective Edge” last summer. Last June, PA President Mahmoud Abbas sought to alleviate Israel’s alleged fears during French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius’s visit to Jerusalem, stating that...