Yvonne Ridley
British journalist and author Yvonne Ridley provides political analysis on affairs related to the Middle East, Asia and the Global War on Terror. Her work has appeared in numerous publications around the world from East to West from titles as diverse as The Washington Post to the Tehran Times and the Tripoli Post earning recognition and awards in the USA and UK. Ten years working for major titles on Fleet Street she expanded her brief into the electronic and broadcast media producing a number of documentary films on Palestinian and other international issues from Guantanamo to Libya and the Arab Spring.
Items by Yvonne Ridley
- December 29, 2023 Yvonne Ridley
Who is winning the war in Palestine? It's not the IDF!
Well, I can tell you it’s certainly not Israel. While I was scrolling through the X files yesterday, I came across a few pitiful tweets sent by demoralised, injured reservists serving in the IDF, currently billed as the most moral army in the world. No one believes the “most moral”...
- December 22, 2023 Yvonne Ridley
Einstein was a genius; 75 years ago, he predicted Israel's fall
“Why?” is one of the most loaded and powerful questions in anyone’s language, and it is the first that springs to mind when journalists face breaking news stories. Unbelievably few asked the question following the events of 7 October in Israel. It was America and 9/11 all over again....
- December 20, 2023 Yvonne Ridley
Israel’s own goal as it enjoys its hateful reputation
The favourite chant of some football fans in one part of East London is: “No one likes us, we don’t care.” On match days at The Den, it’s difficult for those of us on the outside looking in not to draw parallels between the fans of Millwall Football Club...
- December 5, 2023 Yvonne Ridley
Israel's fake news factory implodes over 7 October rape story
One of the most deeply disturbing aspects of Israel’s war against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip which haunts me and gives ammunition to the right-wing media is the proliferation of rape stories emerging from the 7 October attacks. As a feminist, it has always been my initial instinct...
- November 29, 2023 Yvonne Ridley
Israel clearly learnt nothing from France's blood-soaked occupation of Algeria
It was sheer barbarism and savagery that brought an end to France’s brutal 132-year-long occupation of Algeria, and it is the same destructive force that will end Israel’s war against the Palestinians in Gaza. At the moment, though, it is clear that Israel has learnt nothing from France’s blood-soaked...
- November 21, 2023 Yvonne Ridley
There’s a taxing time ahead in Britain over support for Israel
Like millions of others around the world I feel absolutely helpless watching the images from Gaza on my TV screen. The world has a front-row seat as, for the first time in history, Israel’s genocide of Palestinians is being watched in real time courtesy of a diminishing number of...
- November 16, 2023 Yvonne Ridley
‘Do you condemn Hamas?’
I was watching Jeremy Corbyn being interviewed by media celebrity Piers Morgan the other day and two of the questions he was asked — no less than 15 times — were: “Do you condemn Hamas? Is Hamas a terrorist group?” We were all shocked by the 7 October attack on...
- November 5, 2023 Yvonne Ridley
An alternative to the Suez Canal is central to Israel’s genocide of the Palestinians
I hate conspiracy theories and fake news. They degrade my profession as a journalist and incite fear, hate and tribulation with the deliberate intention of causing a public backlash. Naturally, there have been all sorts of speculation and rumour around the war in Gaza and the 7 October surprise...
- October 27, 2023 Yvonne Ridley
America’s Mediterranean armada may not be what it seems
As I never tire of writing, the tiny Zionist state of Israel is less than the size of a South African game reserve, but still costs the American taxpayer billions of dollars every year as Uncle Sam’s ferocious watchdog squatting in the Middle East. However, even its war-mongering, war...
- October 24, 2023 Yvonne Ridley
Palestinian cries of anguish are followed by deafening silence from the West
The roar of the bombs dropped by the fourth most powerful army in the world is deafening as they hurtle from the sky towards the overcrowded civilian areas of the Gaza Strip in occupied Palestine. The roar about “human animals” directed by senior politicians in the Tel Aviv government...
- October 16, 2023 Yvonne Ridley
The most dangerous man in the world is enabled by hypocrites in the West
He is the most dangerous leader in the world today. An unhinged psychopath in charge of nuclear weapons who has spent a lifetime dehumanising his enemy, and dismissing them and their children as animals. Instead of being condemned by the so-called civilised world, however, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu...
- October 11, 2023 Yvonne Ridley
Could Bin Salman emerge as the saviour of Palestine?
Under-fire Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to change the political landscape of the Middle East in response to the astonishing Hamas attack launched during the Jewish festival of Yom Kippur. No truer word has been spoken by the alleged fraudster who stands charged with breach of trust...
- September 28, 2023 Yvonne Ridley
Joe Biden stands accused of rewarding the apartheid state of Israel
US President Joe Biden stands accused of rewarding Israel’s racist policies even as the Zionist state tightens its brutal occupation of Palestine and imposes and an apartheid system on its people. The accusation has been made by a group of Jewish Americans who are campaigning to end US support...
- September 25, 2023 Yvonne Ridley
Camilla's Dior abaya exposed French hypocrisy
France’s fanatical secularism hides behind a thin veil of privilege and elitism, while the country’s toxic Islamophobia which persecutes and oppresses Muslim women exposes the hypocrisy of the French Republic. Nothing else explains the French ban on girls in state schools wearing abayas, sparking a fresh row over secularism...
- September 18, 2023 Yvonne Ridley
Why doesn’t the UN value Palestinian life above the ancient city of Jericho?
The UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) has placed the ancient Palestinian city of Jericho on the World Heritage List. This is indeed worthy of celebration, but it begs us to ask why the UN doesn’t protect the people who live there or anywhere else in the Israeli-occupied...
- September 13, 2023 Yvonne Ridley
Déjà vu is one way of describing UN inaction over Ukraine; hypocrisy is another
At one time we all used to rely on the United Nations to uphold international law, but now even the increasingly impatient Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy says that the international organisation must either “remove Russia as an aggressor” or “dissolve” itself. Two years in, and the invasion of Ukraine...
- September 5, 2023 Yvonne Ridley
China looks set to derail Western hegemony
Like quite a few of its presidential candidates and politicians, there is something decrepit and decaying about the American Empire that reflects its position in the world today. An old Scots term — a “shoogly peg” — just about sums up the terminal decline, precarious position and lack of...
- August 30, 2023 Yvonne Ridley
Libya’s foreign minister is the latest victim of Israeli leaks
George Orwell, the author of Nineteen Eighty-Four, a dystopian novel and cautionary tale, once said, “If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself.” American statesman and diplomat Benjamin Franklin was far more direct when he wrote: “Three may keep a secret, if two...
- August 18, 2023 Yvonne Ridley
We must not lose our own humanity in addressing the plight of refugees
I wonder if it has ever occurred to Home Secretary Suella Braverman that the British government is responsible in part for today’s refugee crisis, and that the solution does not lie with her inhumane “Rwanda project” and other crackpot ideas fuelled by the prospect of a forthcoming General Election....
- August 9, 2023 Yvonne Ridley
Cricket legend Khan may be down, but he is 'absolutely not' out
Events in Pakistan these past few days have been quite astonishing and yet the treatment of its former Prime Minister Imran Khan, jailed on spurious corruption charges, has raised barely a headline beyond the foreign pages of Western newspapers. Possibly because most reporting is one-dimensional, the complexities of Pakistan’s...
- July 27, 2023 Yvonne Ridley
Sister Sinéad-Shuhada: misunderstood, much-maligned, much-loved and Muslim
Headlines and photographs of the singer Sinéad O’Connor told us that the iconic star had died. What followed have been well-deserved eulogies, despite some glaring omissions. Sinéad was beautiful, brave and talented, and an uncompromising rebel who often railed against the Establishment and has never been forgiven by some for...
- July 27, 2023 Yvonne Ridley
Seeing is believing in Afghanistan, and dialogue is the only way forward
The arrogance and ignorance of the Western media were highlighted a few days ago when a former British army officer-turned-politician was accused of making himself a “useful idiot” for the ruling Taliban regime in Afghanistan. Some of his fellow MPs have even tried to oust Tobias Ellwood, the Conservative...
- July 26, 2023 Yvonne Ridley
Is AIPAC bound for that special place in Hell reserved for Israel and its supporters?
I was reminded of my favourite joke the other day by a heroic group of American Jews who want to bring an end to US support for Israel’s brutal apartheid occupation of Palestine: A priest is performing the Last Rites for a dying Irishman and asks if he is...
- July 13, 2023 Yvonne Ridley
We need to hold Britain's racist banking system to account
If you live in the Middle East, Asia or Africa you’ve probably never heard of Nigel Farage; if so, count yourself lucky. He is a prime example of white privilege; a truly obnoxious individual whose hateful words whip up racism across Britain. My enduring memory of this repugnant, right-wing politician...