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New president appointed in Tunisia "by consensus"

February 17, 2014 at 11:14 pm

Political sources in Tunisia have confirmed that the new president has been appointed following a general consensus between the Congress of the Republic Party and Al-Nahda (Renaissance) Party. The Deputy President of the Congress, lawyer Abdul Raouf Ayadi, said that dialogue to form a new government in Tunisia is moving forward. The presidency, said Mr Ayadi, would go to Dr. Moncef Marzouki, not least because of his “history of refusing to deal with the former regime in any way”.

“The dialogue between us and Al-Nahda is going smoothly,” said Ayadi. “I think that the issue of the government is almost agreed upon.” What he called “narrow partisan considerations” are being “transcended” in the hunt for agreement on the form that the new civil and political society will take.