2,312 Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces. 56 of those Palestinian fatalities were killed in the West Bank.
2 Palestinians were killed by Israeli settlers.
67 percent of the Palestinians killed by Israel in Gaza last summer were civilians.
1 in 4 of the Palestinians killed in Gaza were children.
142 Palestinian families in Gaza had three or more members killed in the same incident.
6,028 Palestinians were injured by Israeli forces in the West Bank – a 55 percent increase from 2013.
1,112 of those injuries were caused by live ammunition, or 18 percent of the total (in 2013, the corresponding figure was 4 percent).
395 Palestinians sustained injuries in physical assaults by Israeli forces.
13 Palestinian children were killed by Israeli forces in the West Bank – up from 4 in 2013.
105 attacks by Israeli settlers led to Palestinian casualties.
5,285 Palestinians were held by Israeli authorities on a monthly basis (average).
185 Palestinian children were in Israeli military custody on a monthly basis (average).
28 percent of the population in the Gaza Strip were displaced by the Israeli assault.
9,465 homes were totally destroyed in Israel’s assault on Gaza. 108,065 homes were damaged.
601 structures were demolished by Israeli forces in the West Bank (including East Jerusalem). 1,215 Palestinians were displaced by these demolitions.
118 donor-funded structures were demolished by Israel in ‘Area C’ of the West Bank.
439 children were temporarily displaced by Israeli military training exercises in the West Bank.
27 Palestinians were displaced in punitive home demolitions by Israeli forces.
490 physical obstacles to Palestinian freedom of movement in the West Bank.
59 fishermen were arrested by Israeli forces in Gaza’s territorial waters.
131 Palestinians were injured by Israeli forces inside Gaza’s ‘no go’ zone near the border fence.
228 truckloads of goods exited Gaza for sale in Israel, the West Bank and international markets (4 percent of the pre-2007 figure).
Figures taken from ‘Fragmented Lives‘, a new report by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.
The views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Middle East Monitor.