America has been putting pressure on a number of Arab states in order to get them vote today in favour of a draft resolution it has introduced at the UN which condemns the Palestinian resistance.
According to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, the US Special Representative for International Negotiations Jason Greenblatt sent letters to diplomats from nine Arab countries asking them to support the US draft.
Haaretz reported that Greenblatt sent the letter sent to diplomats from Morocco, Oman, Bahrain, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Qatar.
In the letter he wrote that the Palestinian Authority’s opposition to the US proposal is “hypocrisy as it considers Hamas an enemy and imposes sanctions on it in Gaza,” while at the same time it defends its “terrorism”, Arab48 reported.
The PA and Fatah have criticised the US draft resolution, considering it “absolute” American support for the Israeli occupation against the Palestinians.
Hamas Chief Ismail Haniyeh condemned the resolution and spoke to several leaders across the Arab and Islamic world to ask them to work on undermining it.
Iran pledged to vote against it and to mobilise UN member states to do the same.
READ: Hamas hails Fatah’s criticism to US’ draft resolution condemning resistance at UN