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Hamas says US pier provides cover for supporting occupation state with weapons

May 30, 2024 at 10:30 am

An aerial view of a construction area as construction of the temporary port, to be built to ensure the entry of humanitarian aid to Gaza, still continues in Gaza City, Gaza on April 29, 2024 [U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM)/Anadolu Agency]

The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement has claimed that the floating US pier on the coast of the Gaza Strip is misleading the world regarding the delivery of humanitarian aid. According to a statement from Hamas yesterday, “The pier is intended to provide cover for Washington’s support for the occupation state with weapons.”

The pier, the movement pointed out, has not made any significant contribution to alleviating the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. “International and regional talk about introducing aid has had no real impact on the famine in the Strip. The basic demand will remain the opening of all land crossings into the Gaza Strip and the entry of all basic needs for its residents,” insisted Hamas.

Earlier on Wednesday, the movement expressed its “strong condemnation of US President Joe Biden’s administration ignoring the horrific massacres committed by the Israeli occupation army against displaced Palestinians in the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip.” It criticised the claim by the US National Security Council spokesman that Israel “has not yet crossed” the red line set by President Biden.

While Israeli army continues its attacks on the Gaza Strip since 7 Oct. 2023, the stark contrast between the support of the US to Israel and its limited assistance to Gaza is drawing attention [lmurod Usubaliev – Anadolu Agency]

“This statement reflects the US administration’s disregard for the lives of [Palestinian] civilians and its complicity in killing them, especially with the emergence of preliminary investigations indicating that the bombs used against the displaced civilians were American-made.”

Hamas said that it holds the US administration and the Israeli occupation forces jointly responsible for the “horrific” massacres and called for “an end to the double standards, and an end to US participation in the killing of Palestinians.”

Israel has continued with its onslaught against Rafah, which is crowded with displaced civilians, in defiance of the order by the International Court of Justice to stop the attack.

READ: Qatar condemns ongoing targeting of displaced persons in Rafah