
Creating new perspectives since 2009


Yvonne Ridley

British journalist and author Yvonne Ridley provides political analysis on affairs related to the Middle East, Asia and the Global War on Terror. Her work has appeared in numerous publications around the world from East to West from titles as diverse as The Washington Post to the Tehran Times and the Tripoli Post earning recognition and awards in the USA and UK. Ten years working for major titles on Fleet Street she expanded her brief into the electronic and broadcast media producing a number of documentary films on Palestinian and other international issues from Guantanamo to Libya and the Arab Spring.


Items by Yvonne Ridley

  • Arab rulers ‘discuss’ the chaos, even as Gaza burns

    When I first began to study Islam, I was overwhelmed by stories of honourable men and women from the Arabian Peninsula who surrounded and followed Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Like many aspiring converts, I made the mistake of believing that this honourable gene or characteristic was passed...

  • Israel is bad news, so why don’t we hear about it in the mainstream media?

    At the beginning of this year, a global survey showed that the least trusted media in the world is in Britain. It was a damning survey. The influential Edelman Trust Barometer revealed how British journalism had plunged to the bottom of the annual ratings, with only 31 per cent...

  • The gloves come off as two-faced Israel and its lackeys search desperately for friends

    As the war in Gaza escalates, Israel’s diplomatic wing is becoming more desperate and careless in its approach to winning friends and influencing people. Having frittered away international goodwill so brutally with its genocide of the Palestinians, its support on the world stage is dwindling, as are friends of...

  • Shameful diplomatic fail by G7 over war crimes in Gaza

    The whole world is going to Hell in a handcart and there doesn’t appear to be a single leader who will stop the carnage and Israeli war crimes being carried out in occupied Palestine. Admittedly, it can look as if Israel gets the blame for everything these days, but...

  • Of mice and men, and Netanyahu

    The murder of Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh is not a cause for celebration, no matter on which side of the political divide you sit. It was an international criminal act which has brought the whole world closer to the abyss of world war, but was initiated, I fear,...

  • Do you condemn Israel?

    I’ve always tried to distinguish between the war crimes of the so-called Israel Defence Forces and the behaviour of ordinary citizens living in the occupation state. It is wrong to apply or even imply collective responsibility of a whole nation for the actions of a relative minority. Stereotyping huge swathes...

  • France wins Olympic gold for hypocrisy

    It took some heroic athletes from the Algerian Olympic team to pour cold water on the ghastly spectacle of a flotilla on the River Seine as French President Emanuel Macron tried to bask in a spectacle of French culture when Paris welcomed the world’s greatest athletes for a sporting...

  • Our collective complicity and shame over Gaza is rooted in the Holocaust

    Seeing the brutal Israeli war in Gaza continuing to unfold, I feel deeply ashamed on many levels as the Zionist State sinks deeper into the pits of Hellish behaviour and inhumanity. Like millions of others around the world, I fear that I may become inured to the suffering of...

  • The seeds of Gaza's past will bloom in the future

    Every single day I have spent in Gaza has been precious, but perhaps the most memorable experience there came on a special tour called the Night of the Martyrs. Our small group was privileged to visit the families and homes of those giants who may be gone but whose...

  • Justice is coming for Israel’s genocide enablers

    I feel slightly guilty over my impatience towards Karim Khan KC, the lion-hearted British lawyer who has been the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court since 2021. Like many cynics weary of seeing Israel escape opprobrium or indeed any legal action from the international community for its continual violations...

  • Why is a global superpower under the influence of the tiny Zionist state?

    On the world stage, the United States of America is the only country that fulfils the criteria to be considered a superpower, although China, the European Union, India and Russia are discussed academically as having the potential to attain such status. As a global superpower, the rest of the...

  • Frau Genocide and the feminists who betray Gaza

    Whenever a woman crashes through a glass ceiling in any walk of life I usually punch the air in celebration of another barrier to women’s progress crashing to the ground. Often blaming male-dominated regimes for the chaos in the Middle East, I’ve always believed that the election of women...

  • Unremarkable peer recruited by Zionist lobby to stop Palestine Action

    I have written many times about the heroic activities of Palestine Action, the protest group which burst onto the scene around four years ago using a blend of unrivalled direct action, anarchy and good, old-fashioned peaceful resistance to disrupt and wreck Israel’s war machine factories in the UK. Despite numerous...

  • Why does Mahmoud Abbas want Marwan Barghouti to stay behind bars?

    Traitors are vile, reptilian creatures and, in many ways, they are even more despicable than the most ruthless of enemies. The trouble is that those who betray the cause are usually hidden in plain sight; the one sitting silently at the table sharing and breaking bread with you and...

  • Golden oldies prepare for aid flotilla mission to Gaza

    The training sessions have become more realistic, that’s for sure, even if the guns are cardboard. Virtually everything else is the same as before, though, as peace activists come together in Istanbul to embark on the latest Freedom Flotilla aiming to take humanitarian aid to the besieged and embattled...

  • Genocide Joe encourages Israel to treat international laws and conventions with contempt

    Prostitution is said to be the oldest profession in the world. Sumerian records dating back nearly 5,000 years describe a temple brothel operated by Sumerian priests in the city of Uruk, in modern-day Iraq on the border with what is now Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. However, there is an even...

  • Shameless Zionists in Britain are targeting free speech and democracy itself

    Western civilisation is in decline judging from the dystopian way in which we are entering a dark and dangerous world where it is becoming well-nigh impossible to distinguish between truth, lies and deception. This is, without doubt, a by-product of Israel’s genocidal war against the Palestinians in Gaza, and...

  • Ignorance is certainly not bliss

    “Ignorance is bliss,” wrote the 18th century poet Thomas Grey whose famous poem “On a Distant Prospect of Eton College” tried to enlighten the world that the more knowledge you have, the greater your grief. In many ways Grey was right and, for sure, the British government would like...

  • The untold story of the red chemise

    The theme for this year’s International Women’s Day is “Inspire Inclusion”, which highlights the fact that women’s participation in society is essential if we are to progress and thrive. Yet today, all I feel as a woman is an overwhelming sense of sadness for my Palestinian sisters in Gaza. Palestinian...

  • MPs smear Gaza protestors, while others invent scare stories

    Are the massive pro-Palestine marches in Britain being deliberately targeted and smeared as part of a concerted Zionist effort to use the law to stop people from joining the ranks of the growing anti-war movement? That would certainly explain the furore over MPs’ safety which came to a head...

  • Will Joe Biden hear this US airman’s harrowing cry of ‘Free Palestine’?

    “Free Palestine” is an enduring phrase that will come to define the street chants of millions of angry citizens who’ve marched and protested in capital cities around the world against Israel’s brutal, genocidal onslaught in Gaza. They were also the final words screamed out by a young US airman as...

  • Justice denied to Palestinian Arabs and Muslims means the West has lost all credibility

    There is no doubting the bravery and courage of Alexei Navalny, the recently deceased Russian dissident who became a symbol of resistance against Vladimir Putin’s regime. However, the global outpouring of grief and condemnation over his suspicious demise surprised me and further highlighted the double standards and unbridled racism...

  • The BBC and its choice of words must surely make it complicit in war crimes

    I joined Media Workers 4 Palestine recently, and took part in the group’s first rally outside the rather grand headquarters of the BBC in London. The Beeb, is it used to be known affectionately, has long been in the firing line for its blatantly biased, if not racist, coverage...

  • If this injustice continues, we may soon see a Western version of the Arab Spring

    I am ashamed. Deeply ashamed. My British passport has never been a source of pride for me. Ever since I read about the real blood-soaked history of the British Empire, and not the sanitised version pumped out at Stanley Grammar School by my history teacher Mr Williams, the passport...