The Muslim Brotherhood released a statement on Saturday committing the movement to continue the struggle against the coup authorities in Egypt. The statement pointed out that the massacres committed by the security services since the coup shall “disgrace those who committed them in this world and the hereafter”.
Released a month after the massacre of peaceful protesters in Rabaa Al-Adawiyya and Al-Nahda Squares, the statement listed the human rights violations and crimes committed by the coup government since President Mohamed Morsi was ousted at the beginning of July.
“The crimes of the coup authorities,” stressed the Brotherhood, “including violations of freedoms and the closure of opposition media channels; a witch hunt of journalists and media censorship; the murder of women and the arrest of girls, women and children; the burning of mosques and Qur’ans and attacks against innocent civilians; none of these will deter loyal Egyptian from upholding the rights of the martyrs.”
The Islamic movement said that it will remain faithful to the “martyrs” and their sacrifice to achieve the “great goals” that they fell for. “Freedom, dignity, sovereignty, justice, reform and progress,” noted the statement, “all are what the Egyptian people will continue to struggle with all of their peaceful energy to restore.” Egypt’s place in the world as a democratic, constitutional and modern regime is the aim, not a “brutal” military coup.
Addressing army officers and soldiers directly, the Brotherhood said that they had been “deceived” by the coup leaders. “They have told you that you are fighting the Muslim Brotherhood. The truth is, you are fighting the Egyptian people. Is it in your best interest and in the interests of the people and the nation that the relationship between you and the people is based on enmity and confrontation?” Asking the men to consider whether or not they are truly the sons of the people, the movement’s statement continued: “Do not the people deduct money from their children’s share to provide you with weapons, equipment, training and salaries so that you can protect them and Egypt? Does such trust, nationalism or a macho idea of manhood compel you to aim your weapons at the people and murder them?”
The Brotherhood has urged soldiers and police officers to refuse orders to kill ordinary citizens of Egypt. The coup leaders, added the statement, work only for their personal gain and the interests of foreign parties who do not wish Egypt well. “We urge the officers, soldiers, loyal politicians and citizens to rejoin the ranks of the people of Egypt as they struggle for pride and dignity.”