The Muslim Brotherhood’s General Guide Mahmoud Hussein said that, “the Brotherhood will not back down from demanding an end to the military coup and returning Egypt’s elected President Mohamed Morsi to his post.” Hussein described the interim presidency’s outreach to dissidents from the Brotherhood as “suspicious”.
According to Al-Masry Al-Youm, Hussein explained that, “the interim president’s media advisor has reportedly invited members of the Brotherhood it describes as having dissented from the Brotherhood. The advisor’s invitation is both suspicious and curious as it coincides with a visit by the UN High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Mrs. Catherine Ashton.”
Hussein added that, “the Brotherhood is united and its institutions and legitimate leadership are active. Those who have been invited for talks have never been members of the Brotherhood. The host and the invited do not have any right to speak on our behalf. Members of the Brotherhood youth have publicly and clearly refused this suspicious invitation.”
He continued: “this conspiratorial approach was practiced by the previous military authorities during earlier stages but they always failed to achieve their objectives. Some individuals attempt to show differences or splits among our members. However we tell them your attempts shall fail as they always have.”
Hussein stressed that, “the interim government’s suspicious invite coincides with Mrs. Ashton’s visit to Egypt and attempts to promote the idea that the interim government is open to dialogue with its various political opponents. However the reality is that since the coup against Egypt’s legitimate rule, the arrests campaign has not stopped”.
Hussein explained that the “Brotherhood, the national forces and the masses of Egyptians will not back down from demanding an end to the military coup and the return of kidnapped President Morsi to his post, as well as the restoration of the Shura Council and the democratically approved constitution.”