A member of Fatah’s Revolutionary Council has issued a statement claiming that the organisation is suffering from internal problems that are impacting the decisions of senior Fatah members.
“Fatah is experiencing internal conflicts that have caused the dismissal of cadres; on the top of those dismissed comes Mohamed Dahlan,” said the press statement issued by Sufian Abu Zaida, who is known to be close to Dahlan, the former Fatah leader.
He added that: “the shooting incident targeting my car in the city of Ramallah in the West Bank was neither the first [incident of its kind] nor will it be the last as long as there are voices criticising the mistakes and violations and calling for the correction of those mistakes.”
Abu Zaidah remarked that shootings targeting the movement’s leaders have now become commonplace, pointing to the incidents in which Fatah’s leaders Majid Abu Shamla, Hossam Khider and Shasy El-Shami were shot at by unknown assailants.
He also charged that the failed assassination attempt was not carried out for personal motives but rather for political and organisational reasons.
Unknown assailants fired 20 bullets on Abu Zaida’s car, at close range, while he was in a sporting club in Ramallah, causing significant damage to the car. A few weeks before that incident, Majed Abu Shamala and Hussam Khader were shot at because of their criticism of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and the decisions made by Fatah and the Palestinian Authority.