Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has criticized Israel’s continued incursions into West Bank cities although the Palestinian Authority has fulfilled its duty at security coordination with Israel.
Abbas said during a TV interview “the Palestinian Authority has achieved 100% success rate at security coordination with Israel” and urged the latter to stop raiding the Palestinian towns in the West Bank stressing that his “security apparatus are doing their job to the fullest. “
Taher al-Nunu, media adviser to Hamas Prime Minister in Gaza considered the Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas statements to reveal the lies of Fatah spokesmen who repeatedly denied the existence of security coordination with the Israeli occupation.
Al Nunu addressed President Abbas saying: “Thank you your Excellency for the clarification. I do not consol Fatah spokesmen who argue before us on satellite channels that there is no such thing as security coordination with Israel. In short, your leader has revealed your lies. My advice to you is change your flagrant lying styles and playing with people emotions” pointing out that Hamas has dozens of evidences from meetings during which Fatah spokesmen have denied security coordination with Israel.