The League of Arab States has renewed its commitment to the Arab peace initiative as the only way to achieve peace and stability in the Middle East. The region, said the League, is still suffering from chaos, turmoil and the spectre of multiple wars.
A statement issued on Tuesday 15 May by the Arab League’s section for Palestine and the occupied Arab territories, on the anniversary of the Nakba (Catastrophe), pointed to the unreasonable pressures put on the Palestinian people and leadership while Israel continues along a path of extremism, racist violence and narrow-mindedness. This should come to an end if the region is to reach the goal of peace and coexistence, as called for by the Arab peace initiative.
According to the Arab League, the cornerstone for peace is an independent Palestinian state on the borders of June 1967 with Jerusalem as its capital, along with Israel’s withdrawal from all Arab territories occupied since 1967 and its adherence to the implementation of UN resolution number 194 regarding the return of Palestinian refugees. The spokesman explained that there is a great responsibility on the member states of the UN Security Council and the International Middle East Quartet to do everything within their means to achieve the desired peace and stability in the region.
On the occasion of the Nakba anniversary, the Arab League paid tribute to the Palestinian people who have resisted the occupation of their land and held on to their national identity. While seeking their inalienable rights they have made many sacrifices despite the brutality and cruelty of the Israeli occupation and the absence of justice for more than six decades.