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UN mission leaves Libyan city after car bomb attack

November 10, 2014 at 3:00 pm

The United Nation’s support mission in Libya announced yesterday that it will evacuate the city of Cyrene in the eastern part of the country following a car explosion, according to the mission’s envoy Bernardino Leon.

A statement published on the UN mission’s Facebook page read: “Leon and the members of the mission were in a meeting with interim President Abdullah Al-Thini and a government delegation when the explosion went off and shook the place. No one was injured.”

The car bomb detonated at around noon near Cyrene city centre. It is thought that the bomb was intended for Al-Thini’s government headquarters and caused significant material damage to the surrounding area.

The official spokesman for the UN mission said: “The delegation left for the airport after the second explosion was heard.”

According to the mission’s Facebook page, Leon was set to consult with Libyan parties on how best to conduct the remainder of the transitional period in various parts of the country. The duration of the overall visit was not specified. Moreover, the focus of Leon’s visit was to cooperate with both sides and to see to the completion of the Libyan constitution.

The mission issued an official statement declaring: “The United Nation is following the completion of the Libyan constitution with great interest and will provide any support that is necessary for the completion of this task.”

Libyan official Ali Tarhouni praised the UN for its expertise and technical support thus far and asked “the international community and the United Nations for their continued support for Libya as politicians attempt to draft a constitution that will meet the needs of all Libyans, without exception.”

Leon’s efforts are directed at resolving conflicts between Libyan MPs in an effort to resolve the Libyan political crisis caused in part by an armed conflict currently plaguing the country.