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Sisi to unveil Med’s largest gas field

May 10, 2017 at 11:44 am

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi in Cairo, Egypt on April 20, 2017 [Egyptian Presidency / Handout/Anadolu Agency ]

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi is due to inaugurate the largest gas field in the Mediterranean Sea today.Beheira Governor, Nadia Abdo confirmed that Al-Sisi will attend the opening ceremony today via video conference.

In a statement, Abdo said that the project of extracting gas from Beheira in cooperation with British Petroleum (BP) is one of the largest projects the country is undertaking and one which will provide one quarter of Egypt’s gas needs. The gas will help supply the local market to reduce the country’s dependence on gas imports which amount to more than $10 million per day.

She pointed out that the wells from which the gas will be extracted are located 65 kilometres from the shore of Lake Edko, on the Mediterranean Sea, and at a depth of 350 to 850 metres.