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Lebanon ex-president: Confining weapons to state is prelude to economic reform

October 5, 2020 at 10:53 am

Former Lebanese President Michel Sleiman addresses MPs, ministers and diplomats, during a speech marking the last day of his presidential mandate on 24 May 2014 presidential palace in Baabda [ANWAR AMRO/AFP via Getty Images]

The former President of Lebanon, General Michel Suleiman, said that restricting weapons under the Lebanese state’s command and putting an end to weapons outside the framework of legitimate authority is the first step towards economic or social reform in the country.

Suleiman stressed during a meeting with French MP, Gwendall Royard, yesterday the need to pursue the French initiative launched by President Emmanuel Macron “in a way that serves the supreme interest of Lebanon”.

Suleiman added that France can help Lebanon in the UN Security Council, the European Union and the International Support Group for Lebanon to ensure that it is neutralised from regional conflicts and their negative repercussions.

Last month, Macron criticised Lebanon’s Hezbollah, which is both a political and military force in the country, saying: “Hezbollah can’t be at the same time an army at war with Israel, an unrestrained militia against civilians in Syria and a respectable party in Lebanon.”

READ: Hezbollah accuses US, Saudi of thwarting Macron initiative