UNESCO unanimously adopted a resolution initiated by Kyrgyzstan regarding the preservation of mountain glaciers, Kyrgyz presidential sources said Wednesday, Anadolu News Agency reports.
The resolution passed during the 41st session of the UNESCO General Conference, aims to strengthen international cooperation on monitoring and research of mountain glaciers and permafrost regions through joint actions for a stable and secure environment for future generations, based on the principles of sustainable development and the 2030 Agenda implementation, the Kyrgyz Presidency said in a statement.
The initiative was announced by Kyrgyzstan President, Sadyr Zhaparov, at the General Debate of the 76th session of the UN General Assembly in September in New York.
Underlining that the centuries-old glaciers, rivers and biodiversity of Kyrgyzstan’s mountain ecosystems are under the threat of disappearance, the statement warned that the melting of the glaciers would also have far-reaching influences on key ecosystems in mountains and valleys which are important for biodiversity and ecosystem services.
“It is extremely important that the UNESCO initiatives and current events on climate change should be aimed at putting the mountain glaciers monitoring and research and mountain ecosystems protection in the centre of such discussions,” said the statement.