Interim results of a long-awaited, comprehensive study on attitudes of police officers in Germany show that a significant slice of police officers are prejudiced against Muslims, Anadolu News Agency reports.
According to the interim results released Tuesday, 18 per cent of German police officers said they feel as if Germany is being “overrun” by foreigners.
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A total of 13 per cent agreed with the statement that Muslim culture fits in with Germany, while just under half of the sample disagreed, and just under 40 per cent were ambivalent.
Some 4 per cent “fully agreed” with the statement, “The many Muslims here sometimes make me feel like a stranger in my own country”, while 13 per cent “somewhat agreed” and 21 per cent expressed ambivalence.
The study’s researchers conclude that “at best, there are only a small number of people who have a worldview that is consistently hostile to humanity and democracy”.
But, at the same time, they said they definitely see “more than just individual cases in which the individual attitude can hardly be reconciled with the guiding principles of the police.”
“For me it is clear: There is zero tolerance for right-wing extremism, racism and other forms of misanthropy. Any such incident must have clear consequences,” said German Interior Minister, Nancy Faeser.
Researchers from the German Police University had been commissioned by the Interior Ministry to interview police officers from almost all German states and the federal government about their experiences and world views, and to observe them in their everyday work.
The interim report now published covers the status of the empirical survey at the current time.
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