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Jordan Muslim Brotherhood denies reports Iran is sending it weapons

May 16, 2024 at 11:47 am

Flags of the Muslim Brotherhood, Jordan, and other political parties are waved with other protest signs denouncing the US-led Middle East economic conference in Bahrain in the Jordanian capital Amman on June 21, 2019 [KHALIL MAZRAAWI/AFP via Getty Images]

The Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan has slammed a report by Reuters claiming the kingdom had thwarted a suspected Iranian-led plot to smuggle weapons to the group to carry out acts of sabotage, Quds Press reported.

The group’s spokesman, Moaz Al-Khawaldeh, said in a press statement that “Reuters attributed its story to two unknown sources without bothering to communicate with the group’s leadership, to confirm the veracity of the allegations but rather it treated them as facts.”

Yesterday Reuters quoted two Jordanian sources as saying that the kingdom had foiled an Iranian-led plot to smuggle weapons from Syria to a Muslim Brotherhood cell Jordan that has links to the military wing of the Palestinian group Hamas to carry out acts of sabotage.

“The cache was seized when members of the cell, Jordanians of Palestinian descent, were arrested in late March,” Reuters claimed in its report, noting that the sources had declined to say what acts of sabotage were allegedly being planned.

In a statement yesterday, Hamas said it had “no ties to any acts targeting Jordan” and that it only sought to target Israel.

For his part, Al-Khawaldeh added that “the group’s stable policy has not changed” stressing that throughout its history, the group has been keen on preserving Jordan’s security and stability. He added that such behaviour “violates the group’s policies and decisions”.

He called into the question the timing of the release of such news, saying it had “hidden intentions and goals” that seek to disturb the national scene, and sow division at a time when the Gaza Strip is enduring genocide.

Gaza, he continued, must be the focus in order to stop the aggression and support its valiant resistance.

Read: Jordan’s security is a red line, Hamas says