Qatar-Turkiye Natural Gas Pipeline has huge importance for regional stability and energy challenges, Anadolu Agency reports.
Global energy expert Imraan Minty said the pipeline could theoretically align with Europe’s energy diversification goals. He however cautioned that it is crucial to avoid making the project overly reliant on European demand.
Europe has already “significantly expanded its natural gas supplies” through LNG imports and alternative pipelines, he added. In this light, Minty suggested that the focus should be on the increasing regional demand in the Middle East where Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Egypt have growing energy requirements because of industrialisation and urbanisation.
Qatar-Turkiye Natural Gas Pipeline could address energy issues and drive regional alignment, Minty said; “and if you frame the pipeline to deliver mutual economic benefits to everyone involved, it could be an enabler of geopolitical disarmament.”
The concept of a natural gas pipeline between Qatar and Turkiye was first developed in 2009 but was scrapped because of technical, economic and geopolitical concerns. Whereas Qatar wants to diversify its LNG export markets and strengthen its power on the energy market, Turkiye attaches great importance to pipeline projects as part of its plan to become a regional energy centre.