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Veteran Palestinian leaders reject Fatah's statement against Hamas, resistance

January 14, 2025 at 2:01 pm

The symbol of the Al Fatah party, a Palestinian political and paramilitary organisation, part of the Palestine Liberation Organisation, drawn on a wall of the Dheisheh refugee camp on June 04, 2024 [Alessandro Levati/Getty Images]

Co-founders of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) have condemned Fatah’s statement against the Palestinian resistance, saying the movement is the main culprit in the signing of the notorious Oslo Accords; viewed by a majority of the Palestinians as “a surrender agreement”, Quds Press reported.

Anis Al-Qassem said: “The statement’s wording prompts us to ask which Fatah this statement represents? Is it the Fatah of the Palestinian Authority, or the Fatah of the youth who are busy resisting the Israeli occupation in Jenin?”

“Naturally the statement could not have been issued by Palestinian youth resisting the Israeli occupation and does not represent them,” he added.

“Before Fatah talks about what happened in Gaza, it must stand before a Palestinian criminal court regarding the major crime it committed in Oslo when it handed over the Palestinian people’s capabilities to the Zionist enemy, and turned the Palestinian leadership into militias.”

Oslo, he said, “turned our revolutionary youth in Fatah into guards for the Israeli occupation.”

For his part, former diplomat in the Fatah movement, Rabhi Haloum said Palestinians in the occupied West Bank were surprised by the Fatah movement’s statement, which can only be described as “a statement of high treason that leveled accusations at the heroic resistance fighters who are fighting battles for survival and existence in defense of our homeland and our people.”

“The Palestinian Authority is sending its security forces to liquidate the resistance in all of Palestine,” he said, adding: “You do not speak in the name of Fatah, you accepted to be tools in the Israeli occupation hands, and you are the ones who today constitute a protective arm for the criminal occupation against our people’s aspirations for freedom.”

Haloum stressed that the Palestinian people will hold accountable all those who have attacked them from within the Palestinian Authority.

The condemnation comes after Fatah issued a statement “denouncing Hamas’s talk about monopoly and division,” after the resistance movement described efforts to form a new Palestinian government without national consensus as “deepening internal division.”

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