Muhammad Hussein
Muhammad Hussein is an International Politics graduate and political analyst on Middle Eastern affairs, primarily focusing on the regions of the Gulf, Iran, Syria and Turkey, as well as their relation to Western foreign policy.
Items by Muhammad Hussein
- November 23, 2017 Muhammad Hussein
MEMO to host 6th Palestine Book Awards
Live from #PBA17 - 6.30pm on Thursday, 23rd November...
- October 2, 2017 Muhammad Hussein
The Kurdistan referendum is the prelude to a new, as yet nameless, Sykes-Picot
“We flew over the making of a new country which one day, if the Kurds weren’t betrayed again – as I rather thought they might be – would be a nation called Kurdistan. The first break-up of Iraq.” Those were the words of Robert Fisk, the renowned, award-winning British journalist...
- September 4, 2017 Muhammad Hussein
Daesh is not dead and buried; it is another tool in the war on terror
As the pick-up trucks and black-clad soldiers of Daesh overran the city of Raqqa in northern Syria and declared the establishment of a new ‘Caliphate’ in 2014, the world watched in astonishment. Some were taken in by the emergence of this shadowy group, seeing it as the new saviour...
- July 3, 2017 Muhammad Hussein
The US has set the stage for a new Gulf War
Not all incidents in international relations are cataclysmic or game-changing; most are simply another thread woven into the web of history. The blockade imposed on Qatar by Saudi Arabia – along with the UAE, Egypt, Libya, and Bahrain – on 5 June, however, was. Cutting off all diplomatic ties...
- March 22, 2017 Muhammad Hussein
The myth of Trump’s war on Iran
Iran: The great Islamic Republic, a state that has defied the West, the guardian of the Islamic world, the helper of the Arab world, and the saviour of Palestine. Or is it? Ever since Iran’s “Islamic” revolution in 1979, the relationship between the West – the US in particular...
- January 21, 2017 Muhammad Hussein
Where is the outcry over Israel’s ‘Trojan Horse’ in Britain?
Put yourself in the shoes of a country, economically rich, culturally diverse, and relatively stable in terms of government. Now imagine that a senior diplomat of a foreign country conspired with like-minded individuals to interfere in your affairs and influence who runs your government. Along with that, imagine that...
- December 21, 2016 Muhammad Hussein
The European clique and the Turks
The Republic of Turkey has for over half a century been enduring a crisis of identities and a struggle of political association between Asia and Europe, the two continents it has both influenced and partly ruled back in its Ottoman era a mere century ago. Indeed, the general impact...