
Creating new perspectives since 2009


Sayid Marcos Tenório

Sayid Marcos Tenório is a historian and specialist in international relations. He is vice president of the Brazil-Palestine Institute (Ibraspal) and author of the book Palestina: do mito da terra prometida à terra da resistência (Palestine: the myth of the promised land to the land of resistance) (Anita Garibaldi/Ibraspal, 2019).


Items by Sayid Marcos Tenório

  • The Nakba is an ongoing crime against humanity

    As we remember the 1948 Nakba today, 15 May, I want to reiterate yet again that events in the late 1940s, which have never really ended, are the root cause of what happened on 7 October last year. The Nakba — “Catastrophe” — describes the ethnic cleansing of Palestine...

  • Gaza revives student movement in the US

    The American student movement in solidarity with Gaza revives, these days, the great role played by other movements in confronting the Vietnam War (1955 to 1975), which many consider an important factor in the ending of imperialist military aggression against the Asian country. The university camps that are spreading throughout...

  • The dream of Israel on a calm Persian night

    The Economist published an article on 11 April revealing that the Israeli army was experiencing an escalation of military and moral failures in Gaza due to the incompetence and fiasco of the generals and the moral indiscipline and vandalism of the Zionist soldiers. The publication reported: “It is now accused...

  • Israel: 150 days of crimes against humanity

    The massacre of the forces of “Israel” against the besieged Gaza Strip and with extensions in the West Bank completes 150 days. These are endless and terrifying days with deaths, mutilations, disappearances and forced displacement of 2 million Palestinians, including 750,000 children and 50,000 pregnant women. A holocaust that,...

  • President Lula the giant lays bare Israel’s genocidal actions

    Brazilian President Lula’s statements at the African Union (AU) summit lifted the lid on the Zionist state’s crimes and brought to light the truth about what Israel has been practicing in the Palestinian territories it has occupied since the Nakba; banishment, ethnic cleansing, genocide and horrors similar to those...

  • The achievements of the Islamic Revolution of Iran

    Iran marked the 45th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution on 11 February by showcasing its astonishing achievements across all fields of human activity. For many, this was a great surprise, but for the Iranian people and the free nations of the world, it’s nothing new, as revolutionary liberation leads...

  • Israel has already lost the battle in Gaza

    Former US Secretary of State and National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger, who died recently at the age of 100, said in an interview about America’s defeat in Vietnam in 1969 that while the Americans were fighting a military war, the Vietnamese were fighting a political war. The war criminal...

  • Israel’s failure in Gaza

    The terrorist state of Israel has completed 60 days of genocidal war against the Palestinians aimed at seizing the besieged Gaza Strip in order to expand illegal Jewish settlements. The number of martyrs exceeds 16,000 — 7,112 of whom were children, and 4,885 of whom were women — with...

  • Hamas and the legitimate right of defence

    The events that broke out in Gaza on 7 October brought a flood of biased concepts, versions and fake news regarding the legitimacy of the operations unleashed by the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas and other Palestinian resistance forces. As usual, the media trumpeted the mantra of “Israel’s right to...

  • Jenin, Palestine: An ongoing catastrophe

    Once again, the world has witnessed the escalation of violence, bombing, destruction and deaths perpetrated by the terrorist state of Israel in the occupied Palestinian territories. This time it was against Jenin, one of the oldest Palestinian cities and one which is mentioned in the Old Testament. One of the...

  • Brazil: elections, Lula and the Palestinian cause

    Brazil’s presidential election on 2 October was inconclusive, so a run-off between incumbent President Jair Bolsonaro and former President Lula da Silva will be held at the end of this month. Lula came through the first vote with a six million vote advantage. However, the eventual result is not a...

  • Israel and the silent genocide of Palestinian children

    It seems commonplace to say that Palestinian children are the preferred target of the genocide and ethnic cleansing policies carried out by Israel throughout the 74 years of colonial occupation in Palestine. Palestinian children are permanent victims of rape, arrest and murder, whether they are away from home enjoying...

  • The Malê Revolt: The Black revolt in Brazil during Ramadan of 1835

    Tuesday 25 January marked the 187th anniversary of the revolution that shook the Brazilian city of Salvador. It took place at dawn on the last day of the holy month of Ramadan in 1835 and was led by the enslaved Black people of Haussá, Fulani, Yorubá, Aio Quija and...

  • Israel is not a normal ‘state’

    The Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas adopted a new programme in May 2017, in which it declares itself a Palestinian national, Islamic, liberation and resistance movement that aims to liberate Palestine and confront the Zionist colonial project of the so-called “Jewish State”. According to the movement’s programmatic definition, Palestine is the...

  • Will there be 'lasting peace' between Israel and Palestine?

    Clashes between Israelis and Palestinians are nothing new. These episodes have been happening since the Zionist militias started the Nakba in 1948 with the violent expulsion of more than 750,000 Palestinians and the destruction of more than 140 towns and villages. This ethnic cleansing campaign made way for the...

  • Qasem Soleimani, the great martyr of Jerusalem

    The date of 3 January invites us, on the one hand, to reflect on the fight against terrorism and, on the other, to continue fighting for justice, freedom and sovereignty. That’s because, on this date in 2020, a direct order from US President Donald Trump materialised in a terrorist...

  • On relations between the Palestinian resistance and Iran

    We have witnessed a debate about the reasons that have led the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) to draw closer to the Islamic Republic of Iran, and vice versa, despite differences in some aspects of the resistance struggle in the Middle East and on related issues to regional geopolitics. I think...

  • Israel-Palestine: What sort of conflict is this?

    The conflict in Palestine has nothing to do with the perceptions of common sense and public opinion, which aim to reduce its dimension of libertarian struggle to a supposed “religious war” or “terrorism”. Those are the justifications used to refer to the effort of the Palestinian resistance to get...

  • The unfair and illegal partition of Palestine turns 74

    On 29 November, 1947, the newly-created United Nations (UN) approved the Palestine Partition Plan and started the Nakba process. Nakba, meaning “catastrophe”, is an Arabic word used to describe the tragedy that followed, and is still ongoing. The infamous partition made Palestine the only state destroyed with the support...

  • Martyrs: A source of inspiration and hope

    Martyrs occupy a special place in the hearts and minds of Palestinians. In the Palestinian Declaration of Independence, written by Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish and proclaimed by Yasser Arafat on 15 November 1988, an oath was taken of unrelenting struggle before and in honour of the sacrifice of thousands...

  • Israel's terrorism against human rights NGOs

    Since its founding in 1948, the “State of Israel” has promoted an intense campaign to erase Palestinian history, culture and resistance on all its fronts. Human rights organisations such as the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement (BDS) and activists around the world are the constant targets of this onslaught. Recently,...

  • The Balfour Declaration: 104 years since the start of the Palestinian tragedy

    The date of 2 November marks an event directly linked to the root of the conflict in Palestine and the suffering, deterritorialisation and apartheid experienced by its people. On this date in 1917, British Foreign Secretary James Balfour wrote a letter, known as the Balfour Declaration, to the leader...

  • Palestinian resistance poetry by Mahmoud Darwish

    Mahmoud Darwish is the most internationally-renowned Palestinian poet and writer, although still little-known in Brazil. He is the author of 30 poetry books and eight prose books, translated into more than 40 languages, and winner of the Cultural Freedom Prize, the Lannan Foundation (US), the Lenin Peace Prize (former...

  • Palestine forever

    "As long as this oppression persists, the Palestinian people have no choice but to resist aggression..."...