The most recent actions carried out by the coup in Egypt involve raiding Egyptian cities and villages with tanks armed with cannons in order to protect the planes flying above them, following the example of Bashar Al-Assad’s army in Syria. Al-Assad started with Daraa, the first city that revolted against his tyranny and injustice by publicly demanding the elimination of his corrupt rule and the fall of his dictatorship. Daraa was inspired by the glorious 25 January Revolution in Egypt. Al-Assad responded by raiding the city with tanks and shooting missiles and cannons; many were killed and others were detained in underground prisons, the location of which is unknown. Other people were violated, the city was surrounded, and its people, who dreamed of dignity, freedom, and justice, were humiliated. This same army allowed the Zionist entity to occupy its land in the Golan Heights for 40 years, even guarding the borders; however, it used its brute force against its own helpless people.
If we look at Egypt, we find that our glorious army, whose combat doctrine once included fighting Israel, the stated Zionist enemy that is a threat to the Egyptian state, has now also changed its combat doctrine, just like America was preparing and training the army to do for over 30 years. Now its doctrine is fighting “terrorism”, which according to the US, refers to Islam. We saw this being applied when the army stormed the Rabaa Al-Adaweya Mosque and completely burned it down, including everyone in it, dead and alive. They also committed heinous actions at the Al-Fatih Mosque, as well as other mosques. Now our brave army is copying Al-Assad’s criminal army and is raiding villages and cities in Rafah with tanks and planes, killing children and women, demolishing mosques, and arresting Egyptians under the pretext of terrorism in order to please its American master, which backed and armed it for this purpose.
The same thing happened two days ago in a village known as Dilja in the Minaa municipality. Its peoples’ only crime was that they condemned the fascist military coup and demanded the restoration of legitimacy and the return of the elected president, Dr Mohamed Morsi. For this the villagers were punished with killings, arrest, and the besiegement and destruction of the village, just as Daraa had been besieged. Now, the same thing is happening in Egypt, and Al-Assad’s approach is being followed and moved from one city to another.
There is now talk in Egypt of targeting the city of Kerdasa in the next couple of days and preparations are being made to raid it under the pretext of terrorism, claiming that it houses terrorists, and that it has arms caches. The corrupt media has already begun promoting this. The truth is that most of its people are Salafists who condemn the military coup and take part in peaceful demonstrations against the coup, demanding the prosecution of those who committed the massacres in the Rabaa Al-Adaweya and Nahda Squares. They are pious Muslims who are committed to their religion, not terrorists!
This is a war on Islam and every sane person must examine the scene carefully and tie together its strings that extend from the borders of Daraa in the north to the borders of Rafah and Gaza in the east, in order for them to know, with certainty, the dimensions of this evil strategic plan that was cooked up by the Zio-American intelligence and is unfortunately being executed by the Arabs and even funded by the Arab Gulf States! However, I still have hope that the Arab people will wake up and will rise up to support the nation and preserve its Islamic identity.
“They plot, but Allah plots and Allah is the best of plotters”
The views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Middle East Monitor.