By Dr. Abdel Sattar Qassem
It was not anticipated that the ‘autonomy’ which emanated from the Oslo Accord would spread Islam, support it or make quantum leaps in endorsing Islam’s practical implications toward the promotion of science, endeavour and self-reliance or striving in the way of God in all aspects of life. Nor was it expected that it would be a guide in the planning of the economy or within the social, cultural, intellectual, political, security and military arenas. Indeed the Palestinian Authority has not fallen short of our expectation as it hastened to take decisive action against the Muslims it disapproved of as the institutions run by Islamic groups. Moreover, it has not limited its attack to Hamas or Hizb ut-Tahrir but extended its hostility to include Islam itself implementing procedures that significantly and adversely affect it.
The Palestinian Authority is no different from many Arab and foreign regimes such as those in Europe which advocate a religion of rituals confined to mosques and circumambulations around the Kaaba encouraging Islam to remain within this framework. They do not mind that people pray and perform the Taraweeh (the night prayer during Ramadan) or go for Umrah and fast in the month of Ramadan provided that these acts remain empty rituals devoid of practical implications. Historically, religions that become hollow ritual, losing their meaning and value also become mechanism for opiating the people and making them believe that paradise awaits them. However, the rituals that lead to fear of Allah and encourage commitment to hard work and struggle against the enemy are not required because they give the religion a meaning and value that actually affects the lives of people as individuals and groups.
It was not expected that the Palestinian Authority would tolerate scientific and practical Islam at the level of either individuals or ideas as the Oslo Accord which brought it into being is inconsistent with Islam; it legitimizes the occupation of sacred Muslim land, relinquishing it at the expense of Palestinian rights. Islam is not aggressive and does not advocate force except in self-defence. However, it never accepts injustice nor does it tolerate those who occupy Muslim lands and drive Muslims from their homes. Oslo violated the central Muslim value of justice and it cannot coexist with its opposite for the following reason:
- Israel and the Western countries that played a role in Oslo do not accept true Islam which supports education and employment, nor do they accept practicing Muslims, instead they persecute them. They consider Islam as contradictory to the West’s military and economic dominance; therefore they plot to distance Muslims from their true religious values in in exchange for a religion that glorifies liturgical practices, without any practical benefit. For these countries, Islam signifies a major threat which affects their sleep, disturbs their dreams, and portends dramatic developments that may lead to the independence of the Islamic Arab region putting it on the path to scientific and technological progress. For that reason, they deprive Islamists of any support and link the provision of material and financial support to opposition to Muslims and the tendency toward practical Islam.
- A number of Palestinian officials belong to groups or schools of thought hostile to Islam. Some belong to the Freemasons who see Islam as an obscurantist religion hostile to Jews and their plans to establish the Temple of Solomon. Some are Baha’i who believe that love and peace in the world will not be achieved without the establishment of the Temple of Solomon. Some are Westernised liberals who think that Arabs cannot develop except by adopting Western social and economic values. These Palestinians are already hostile to Islam and do not need to be incited by the Israelis or Westerners; they agree with them in their views of Islam and are ready to coordinate their efforts to confront Islam and Muslims.
- There are Palestinians who link their interests with Israel and the West and are not willing to sacrifice those interests for a modest and upright religious figure who believes that recognition of Israel is a major crime against the Palestinian people. There are also many who, because of their materialism; attachment to their salaries, vehicles and VIP treatment from the Israelis and Westerners, cannot make sacrifices for the sake of national progress.
As for the atrocities against practical Islam and practicing Muslims, they are as follows:
1. In particular, widespread arrests within the ranks of the Islamic movement Hamas continue. Some of those in power say the arrests are a result of what happened in Gaza, but the fact is that the arrests of members of Hamas and Islamic Jihad has been going on since 1995, long before Hamas controlled the Gaza Strip. These arrests have served the Oslo and Taba accords and are required by both Israel and Western countries in every meeting with the Palestinian Authority. Confronting terrorism and terrorists, according to their expressions, is part of the security requirements of Israel.
2. The attack on mosques’ preachers and imams replacing them with elements who have a political affiliation and who accept the agreements with the Israel. Many preachers who talked about issues that concern the public and the nation have been removed and replaced them with semi-illiterates who can only say a few words about Heaven and the risk of Hell. I have spotted many particular mistakes in the interpretation of some verses or the Quran. One of them said to me: “people stopped praying after I was employed in this mosque”.
3. Control of the Friday prayers in a way that deviates from their goal and purpose such as dealing with weekly issues of concern to the Muslim public. Most speeches at Friday prayers now are worthless; they do not add anything to the knowledge of worshipers. I have proposed the cancelation of Friday prayers so that the Authority can rest and we can rest from hearing about the abuse of religion.
4. Cursing God and the religion of Islam and Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). This libel is repeated in the interrogations of detainees, during the arrest and raids on houses, and during the storming of mosques and charities. It is common for elements of the security apparatus to curse Almighty God. This phenomenon is present and frequent, and I have witnesses to confirm such behaviour.
5. The intervention concerning a common call to prayer (adhan) or the recitation of the Quran before the prayer. My opinion is quite clear on this issue, that it is not right to use microphones for purposes other than the adhan if the people or some of them voice the unease with it. There are people who are busy, sick or they trying to study and do not want to hear it. It is not permissible for a Muslim to force anyone to listen to the Quran or religious invocations. A Muslim is required, in accordance with Islamic ethics, to take into account the circumstances of others and respect them as long as they do not attack Muslims.
However, the Palestinian Authority has intervened in something that was not an issue of conflict, as if the intervention was intended to harm the conduct of some traditional Palestinian cities. And that is one violation that inevitably leads to another.
6. Monitoring preachers, imams and religious teachers as well as ordinary people and questioning them about ideas they put forward or discuss at mosques, schools, squares or regular meetings. The Authority’s agents are terrorising people in order to turn them away from their convictions. Jihad against the invaders and aggressors is a sacred duty in Islam and giving it up may be considered a great sin, and could contribute directly to humiliation of the nation and its surrender to its enemies. This is Islamic and it is impermissible to stand against it or prevent it, and any policy that seeks to abolish, annul or suppress it is in fact a policy against Islam and Muslims.
In conclusion, the Palestinian Authority, it seems, cannot resist the lure of pursing policies that always back fire on it. They run counter to history, threaten the security of the Palestinian people, usurp many of their inherent values, and contribute to the liquidation of the Palestinian cause. It works against itself by provoking the people, and the only benefit they get is Western funds. The West is fully aware why they provide these funds.
The story is long and sad, but the wise are those who rectify things. You (The Authority) have tried your luck with the West, and you are aware that the people of Palestine are only reaping more trouble and grief. It is time for a review.
The author is Professor of Political studies, Al Najah National University
Source: The Palestinian Information Centre
The views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Middle East Monitor.