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Turkey and Iran maintain full relations

January 30, 2014 at 3:45 am

Spokesperson of the Turkish Foreign Ministry Levent Gümrükçü indicated that his country has reached a complete agreement with Iran to develop bilateral relations, according to the London-based newspaper Al-Sharq Al-Awsat.

Gümrükçü revealed that representatives from both countries have had “positive discussions over Syria,” saying that a “full agreement” was reached to cooperate on a solution to end the Syrian bloodshed.

He told the newspaper that both countries are working towards reaching a ceasefire in Syria before the Geneva II conference. “Each side is working separately to see whether different sides can reach a ceasefire,” he explained.

Meanwhile, another Turkish diplomatic source affirmed that Turkish-Iranian relations would witness “great positive advances” in the coming days. The source said that the Syrian crisis is not affecting the relations between the two countries.

However the source also pointed out that even though Iran is Turkey’s neighbour at the southern borders, Ankara will not “barter” with Iran at the expense of the Syrian crisis.

He said that instead, both countries had agreed from the beginning not to let the Syrian issue affect their bilateral relations. He also made clear that it was Iran which sought to reinforce the relations between the two countries.

The source told Al-Sharq Al-Awsat that, “The two countries are now more capable of doing something for the Syrians than they were before,” but he insisted “there are still many efforts that have yet to take place.”