On October 10 former CIA officer Michael Scheuer – once senior advisor for the Osama Bin Laden department – testified in front of a House Homeland Security Committee hearing about westerners joining jihadist groups.
When asked what he thought the primary motivators for Islamic jihadists were, Scheuer listed among his answers American support for the Israelis, military presence in countries in the Arab world, and the willingness to identify as terrorists any Muslim country US allies do not like.
Scheuer also said that it was time to tell people that costs came with US support for Israel: “If it was up to me I’d dump the Israelis tomorrow,” he said, stating that he worries about the continued preaching of American politicians that the US relationship with Israel does not “cause us to have dead Americans.”
New York Congressman Jerrold Nadler told Buzzfeed that Scheuer being invited to the House Homeland Security Committee “is inexcusable” given that he is an outspoken anti-Israeli activist. He also stated that a “strong US-Israel relationship is absolutely vital to the national security interests of the US.”