The Euro-Mid Observer for Human Rights revealed on Monday that hundreds of Europeans are voluntarily working as mercenaries in the Israeli occupation forces.
In a comprehensive report due to be published shortly, Euro-Mid also found that dozens of Europeans have been actively recruited to participate in the killing of Palestinian civilians, including children, especially in the Gaza Strip.
According to the report, a number of European organisations that are directly related to right wing Jewish and Christian groups have organised projects and campaigns to call on Europeans to join and support the Israeli army in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.
Euro-Mid cited Mahal as one such example. Mahal, a London-based organization, has been running programmes for recruiting Jewish Israelis and non-Israelis to work with the Israeli occupation forces for decades.
“The organisation is targeting youth groups, males under the age of 24 and females under 21, through educational programmes that can last as long as 18 months,” Euro-Mid said.
It stated that “thousands of volunteers from about 40 countries, mostly from Europe, have joined the Israeli army, with none of them held accountable or investigated by his or her country of origin.”
The report documented several accounts of Europeans serving in the Israeli occupation army, including Amir Cohen, an alias name, from Germany who told a German magazine that: “I am proud to serve in the Israeli army.”
The report also found that mercenaries from Europe are working to protect Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank and taking part in attacks against unarmed Palestinians.
Leana Berens informed Euro-Mid that she is in touch with a Norwegian organisation that is recruiting for the Israeli army. “The organisation offered me an apartment, money and a chance to return to Norway two times a year,” she said.
She explained that she was not the only one who was recruited by that organisation. Indeed, she said that she was one among 5,000.
A Ukrainian woman who served in the Israeli army even appeared on a famous TV show and admitted that she took part in Israeli military activities, including killing Palestinian children.
Euro-Mid condemned the fact that European citizens are directly participating in occupation activities and the killing of Palestinian civilians. It affirmed that these actions are a clear violation of international law.