Efforts are being made to develop the export market for upholstery foam produced in the Gaza Strip. This growing industry is now producing high quality sponge foam and the government is optimistic that Palestinian companies are satisfying local demand, with exports then being the logical option in the very near future.
During a tour of a sponge foam factory, where modern methods of manufacturing have been adopted, officials from the Ministry of Economic Affairs expressed their pleasure at the quality of the product on offer. It is noteworthy that the same factory was attacked by Israel during its November offensive against the people of the Gaza Strip. Despite this, what the officials called the progressive economic policies of the Palestinian government in Gaza and the cooperation of the factory’s owners meant that they have been able to meet Gaza’s needs for the foam and are preparing to develop the capacity to export their product.
Such positive news from the industrial sector illustrates that the Palestinians in Gaza can overcome the blockade that has been imposed on them and the effects of Israel’s wars which target homes and factories. Palestinian workers have proved their worth and competence with good quality products.
MEMO Photographer: Mohammed Asad