Palestinians and their pro-justice supporters around the world have remembered the 64th anniversary of the Nakba, the Catastrophe caused by the creation of the state of Israel in historic Palestine. In 1948, almost a million Palestinians were driven out of their homes by Zionist Jewish militias and were forced to find relief and shelter in neighbouring Arab countries and the wider world, as well as the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
Events were held around the world to commemorate Nakba Day, including demonstrations, protests and conferences. In Gaza, old and new faces came together as hundreds of Palestinian artists visited universities in Gaza City and painted murals on the walls depicting different aspects of the Nakba, including the initial expulsion and the lives lost during the Catastrophe. The main theme of the artwork was that the key to peace is Palestinian refugees’ right to return to their homeland. Below is a selection of artwork from the streets of Gaza City.
MEMO Photographer: Mohammed Asad