The head of the Government Employees’ Union, Bassam Zakarneh, has announced that a two-day strike will be held on Wednesday and Thursday this week. The strike, and demonstrations in front of government offices, is in protest at the non-payment of salaries by the Palestinian Authority in the occupied West Bank.
Zakarneh said in a media statement on Monday that the “Resistance” programme is to continue, saying that work will be suspended on 16-17 January except for emergency situations.
“The final payment of November salaries does not alleviate the problem,” he said, “especially because the lower level employees will not be given any money.” He pointed out that a limited number of employees will be given money by the PA government, chosen “with little thought”.
The union boss called on the government to “disburse the salaries for half of December instead of completing November’s salaries, with a 2000 shekel minimum and a 4000 shekel ceiling”. That, he added, would help all employees, especially if it is paid directly and not through the banks, who might make deductions.