Below are excerpts from head of Tunisia’s Ennahda party Sheikh Rachid Ghannouchi’s speech at the group’s headquarters in Tunis yesterday
“Our hearts are filled with love for Allah, love for Tunisia and love for Tunisians. Therefore, we have no fear for Tunisia, by the will of Allah, nor do we fear for freedom, Islam and national unity. Ennahda has entered political life through the door of freedom as well as through national unity and the rejection of terrorism and exclusion. We have been able to guide Tunisia to the shore of safety by virtue of a great constitution and an independent elections commission.
We are the only country in the world where elections are taking place not under the supervision of state institutions but under the supervision of an independent elections commission.
Tunisia is dearer to us than power and is dearer to us than Ennahda itself. We would like to reaffirm that loving Tunisia is not mere rhetoric. Some people are asking: Why haven’t the people given Ennahda a majority?
In fact, the people have been subjected to repeated attempts of deceit and brainwashing. However, the people are clever and loyal. So, have trust in the people next to your trust in Almighty Allah.”