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Video campaign, ‘Feed the killers’ pizza and support hunger strikers

May 12, 2017 at 11:31 am

A new 44-second video has come to light apparently in response to the Pizza Hut advert used in Israel which mocked Palestinian hunger striking prisoners.

The new “advert” shows a soldier emerging from military barracks while eating a pizza in a barbaric manner, pouring large amounts of tomato sauce on it, which then drips from his mouth, like blood. Then the phrase “Feed the killers” appears.

Though it does not include direct references to any trademarks or logos or specify the army to which the soldier belongs, the context and timing of the video clearly indicate that it is linked to the prisoners’ strike and Pizza Hut’s offensive ad.

Read: Pizza Hut under fire after mocking Palestinian hunger-strikers

Commenting on the work, media consultant Hossam Shaker said that the new video “hits back twice as hard against the use of trademarks against just and fair issues, such as the prisoners’ strike.”

Shaker explains that the passage uses “deep suggestive effects that changes the way we look at the usually appetising pizza. It shows us that it could potentially be used as a lethal tool and can be biased in a conflict.”

The context of the soldier eating the pizza while returning from the barracks in a dark atmosphere generates a sense of fear and intimidation… This is compounded by the fact that the soldier is using a cold weapon to cut the pizza.

“The closing scene brings to mind vampires and reiterates the point that pizza has gone beyond its expected role and joined the killers’ barracks,” emphasised by the phrase, “feed the killers” at the end.