During his visit to France on Sunday to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the expulsion of French Jews in Paris, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu continued his incitement against Islam, while recalling the scarecrow of “Islamophobia” and describing Islam again as “terrorism.”
French President Emmanuel Macron and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held an official meeting at the Élysée Palace. It was an opportunity to test each other’s positions on the conflict between Israel, the Palestinians and Iran.
In his statement, Netanyahu stressed that Jerusalem is the united and eternal capital of the State of Israel, and attacked “Islamic terrorism,” calling for unity and fighting it together. “Political Islam seeks to destroy both Israel and European countries,” Netanyahu said. “We have heard extremist voices that not only call for the destruction of the Jewish state, but the Jews themselves and everyone who objects to and opposes their way,” he added.
Addressing the French president, Netanyahu said: “You spoke two days ago in the city of Nice about the Crusades and you are sincere in what you said. The radical Islam that Iran and ISIS (Daesh) represent seeks to destroy us and destroy Europe. Israel is their first goal. They do not hate the West because of Israel, but they hate Israel because of the West. They are trying to destroy us and you, and since France is a great power they will not ignore it.”
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Regarding Palestine, Netanyahu told the French president that the source of the conflict is the Palestinian refusal to recognize a national state for the Jewish people and to allow it to live in peace.
Netanyahu thanked also the French President for hosting him in this tragic anniversary and stressed the deep and old friendship between the French and Israeli states. In a lengthy speech, French President Emmanuel Macron pointed to the responsibility of the French state for the displacement campaign against Jews during the Second World War.
He called then for a minute of silence for the victims of the holocaust campaign and stressed that the recognition of the crime is the way to reconciliation. Macron said that we must not give up everything that promotes humanity, such as receiving refugees and fighting global warming.
He stressed also that he would never concede to “anti-Zionism” because it represents the new form of anti-Semitism. At the end of the ceremony, Macron and Netanyahu went to the presidential palace in Paris to talk about Syria and Iran as well as the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.