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Senior Yemen military commander killed by Houthi missile

December 18, 2018 at 11:52 am

A senior Yemeni military commander was killed in a mortar shell fired by the Houthis in the Naham district, east of the capital Sanaa, yesterday, a government official said.

Colonel Abdul Basset Al-Bahr told the Anadolu Agency that Brigadier-General Taher Hamid Al-Sharabi was killed last night by a shell fired by the Houthis.

Al-Bahr added that Al-Sharabi was the head of Military Engineering in Taiz; the highest military authority in the province.

He explained that Al-Sharabi moved to the Naham district two months ago to help the national army remove landmines planted by the Houthis.

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“He [Al-Sharabi] has already participated in removing thousands of landmines planted by the Houthis across in Yemen, because of his considerable experience in this area. He was one of the first to join the popular resistance against the Houthis in Taiz in early 2015,” he added.

The Naham district has been witness to sporadic fighting between the Yemeni army and Houthis for more than two years, killing and wounding hundreds on both sides.