Hamas’ aspiration is to free the Palestinian people and pave the way for their self-determination, a member of the group’s Office of International Relations wrote on Twitter.
In response to repeated questions about the movement’s views on the Israeli elections which are due to be held tomorrow, Basem Naim said Hamas does not comment on them because “there is no difference between the Israeli right and left”.
“Many international media asking us about our opinion towards the #IsraelElections, or who we prefer to win the #IsraelElections? Our response was always “. Our choice is the #Freedom & Self determination of our people, and not to change the prison guards”. #Elections2019,” he wrote on Twitter.
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In another tweet he added that the “#Palestinian issue wasn’t entirely part of the debate” during the election, “& if it was only to show how they would deny Palestinian rights & show their brutality in dealing with the #Palestinians.”
Ultimately, the election shows that Israel’s is “a racist democracy, that conceals the true face of a racist & fascist occupation, subjugate another people, occupies its land, & deprives it of its right 2 freedom, independence & a decent life.”