Secretary General of the Palestine Liberation Organisation’s (PLO) Executive Committee, Saeb Erekat, said on Friday that the US-proposed ” ‘Deal of the Century is more about dictations and not a peace agreement that maybe reached through negotiations.’”,
Erekat held a meeting in Ramallah City, in the central occupied West Bank, and spoke to a high-profile delegation of 50 dignitaries from across the United States, representing the academic, political, cultural and economic spectra, and the civil society.
He said, “A deal may mean that a party agrees to sell its property as a result of bankruptcy, that is, it entails a winning party and a loser one, a term used in the real estate industry and television entertainment games.”
He emphasised, “On the other hand, a peace treaty means an agreement between two or more parties, resulting in a win-win equation for all parties.”
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Erekat reiterated the constant position of the Palestinian leadership that any solutions ruling out the international resolutions and the creation of a sovereign Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital will be rejected.
He added that all decisions of the US administration regarding Jerusalem, Palestinian refugees, illegal settlements, borders, and annexation of the occupied Palestinian territories and the occupied Syrian Golan Heights are “null and void, and flagrant violations of international law.”
US President Donald Trump recognised Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in December 2017, moved the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem in May 2018, and most recently recognised the occupied Syrian Golan Heights as Israeli territory, leading to speculation that it could pave the way for the recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the occupied Palestinian territories.
Following recent tensions and the US Trump administration’s undeniable support for Israel has prompted the Palestinians to cut communication with the US and declared it unfit to be a mediator during the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.