Sudan’s opposition Change and Freedom alliance is threatening to wage a campaign of “civil disobedience” if the ruling Military Transitional Council (MTC) refuses to swiftly hand over power to a civilian authority, Anadolu reports.
At a Wednesday news conference in the capital Khartoum, Khalid Omer Youssef, secretary-general of the Sudanese Congress Party (a component of the Change and Freedom alliance) accused the MTC of “maneuvering” to avoid relinquishing executive power.
“We have many options, including demonstrations and sit-ins, along with plans for a civil disobedience campaign,” Youssef said.
“But we would rather reach a negotiated settlement with the MTC if the latter can take the situation seriously,” he added.
On Tuesday, the MTC rejected a raft of proposals tabled by the opposition alliance.
Medani Abas Medani, a leading member of the Change and Freedom alliance, said the MTC’s continued rejection of the opposition’s proposals was “complicating the situation”.
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He described the MTC’s recent statements on the role of Sharia Law as “an attempt to distract attention from the main issue — namely, the sought-for handover of power to a civilian authority”.
Medani accused the MTC of “resorting to the tactics of the former regime”. He went on to assert that Sudan’s sprawling security apparatus was “still running the country”.
On April 11, the Sudanese army announced the “removal” of President Omar al-Bashir following months of popular protest against his 30-year rule.
The MTC is now overseeing a two-year “transitional period” during which it has pledged to hold free presidential elections.
Demonstrators, however, have remained on the streets to demand that the military council hand over power — at the earliest possible date — to a civilian government.