Qatar yesterday announced that it has transferred 12 victims of the Somali suicide attack which shock the country on Wednesday to Doha for treatment.
“Qatar has sent a plane equipped with equipment and a medical crew to Aden Adde International Airport in Mogadishu to transport the attack victims to Doha to receive medical care,” a source in Qatar’s foreign ministry said.
دولة قطر ترسل طائرة مزودة بتجهيزات وطاقم طبي متكامل إلى الصومال، لنقل 12 مصابا جراء الهجوم الانتحاري، الذي استهدف مسؤولين ببلدية مقديشو، إلى الدوحة لتلقي الرعاية الطبية اللازمة. #قنا
— وكالة الأنباء القطرية (@QatarNewsAgency) July 25, 2019
He added that “the plane took 12 of the injured, including the Mayor of Mogadishu Abdul Rahman Omar Osman, in addition to 16 companions (who were not injured), led by Khadija Mohammed Dirih, Minister of Youth and Sports of Somalia.”
On Wednesday, Somali Information Minister Mohammed Abdi Hair told reporters: “The terrorist bombing that targeted the Mogadishu municipality was strong and inflicted heavy material damage at its headquarters.”
READ: Blast, armed attack leaves 10 dead in Somalia
Six people were killed, including the director of the Wabi and Abdul Aziz districts and three municipal department managers and the legal advisor to the mayor of Mogadishu. No details have been given as to the number of those injured in the attack.
Al-Shabaab claimed responsibility for the bombing. The group, founded in 2004, has been trying to oust the Western-backed central government and establish its own rule based on its strict interpretation of Sharia law.