Offensive anti-Palestinian tweets have been found trending under the Arabic hashtag “Palestine is not my cause”, which many believe was launched in response to a cartoon by a Palestinian artists which apparently insults Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman.
Some believe the Saudi regime has teamed up with Israel to disseminate posts aimed at promoting a public smear campaign against Palestinians and their supporters; thus delegitimising the Palestinian cause.
According to The Jerusalem Post, a Palestinian political analyst in Ramallah, said: “There’s no doubt that several people from Saudi Arabia are behind this campaign. It’s also obvious they are receiving help from Israeli activists.”
In addition to illustrations showing a Palestinian mother feeding her baby using a bottle labelled: “Hatred and Treachery,” the hashtag consists of tweets accusing Palestinians of being untrustworthy, ungrateful, full of hatred and engaging in incitement against Saudi Arabia.
#فلسطين_ليست_قضيتي ولا تعنيني بشي لا من قريب ولا من بعيد يحلون مشاكلهم مع اسيادهم الاسرائيليين
اللي باعوها لهم ويبي يدخلونا في مشاكلهم .
اليهود ما جبروهم سبيعون اراضيهم اليهود حصلو خونه واشترو منهم شراء— مــشـاري🇸🇦 (@MMMMMMMMM777777) April 23, 2020
A post by a Saudi user named Mohamed Alsalboukhi, who has over 24,000 followers accuses Palestinians of being untrustworthy and “selling” their land to Jews.
READ: Saudi Arabia’s persecution of Palestinians in the Kingdom is treacherous
He added in a another post: “What did Saudi Arabia benefit from supporting the Palestinian cause decades ago and after paying millions and building in Palestine and some Palestinians come to attack Saudi Arabia … the game is over and no one laughs at us with empty words.”
Palestinian-Saudi relations have publicly been on edge for almost two years, mainly over the kingdom’s close ties with US President Donald Trump’s administration and Riyadh’s apparent normalisation of ties with Israel.
The crisis between the two sides reached its peak when the Trump administration unveiled its controversial “deal of the century“. Saudi Arabia was one of the main supporters of the plan, which saw Israel given full rights to Jerusalem and the Palestinians seeing the land offered to them dwindling.
Others hit back at the hashtag and launched “Palestine is my cause”, setting the record straight and advocating for standing together against initiatives that seek to suffocate Palestinians, such as this smear campaign.
This hashtag is the most obvious evidence that shows the huge amount of brainwashing the arabs have suffered .. SHAME #فلسطين_ليست_قضيتي
— Mohamad Badi (@MohamadQap) August 4, 2015
Some of the posts denounced Bin Salman as a “Zionist” due to Saudi’s receding support for the Palestinian cause and his pursuing normalisation with Israel.
Journalist Majed Abdel Hadi, defended the Palestinian people, and confirmed Palestinians stand as the first line of defence ahead of a Zionist invasion targeting all Arab countries in a battle that has continued for 70 years.
He wrote: “But you will find the ‘Zionists brothers’ who give him riyals that they paid one day to support him. Then they falsely accuse him of selling his land, to justify their leaders’ collusion with Israel in Judaizing Jerusalem.”
يقف الفلسطيني في خط الدفاع الأول أمام غزو صهيوني يستهدف بلاد العرب كلها، ويبذل دمه في المعركة المستمرة منذ 70 سنة، لكنك ستجد "الأشقاء المتصهينين" يمنون عليه بريالات دفعوها يوماً لدعمه، ثم يتهمونه زوراً ببيع أرضه، ليبرروا تواطؤ قادتهم مع إسرائيل في تهويد القدس.#فلسطين_قضيتي
— ماجد عبد الهادي Majed Abdulhadi (@majedabdulhadi) April 22, 2020
Egyptian activist Ahmed Al-Baqri affirmed that Palestine is subjected to fierce attacks targeting land and history, stating: “One day, the free state of Palestine will join the rest of the people, despite the enemies’ enemies and their allies.”
ما تتعرض له #فلسطين بشكل عام ومدينة القدس بشكل خاص من هجمة شرسة تستهدف الأرض والتاريخ، ما هو إلا محاولة لمحو الهوية الوطينة والإسلامية بكافة أشكالها.
يوما ما ستنضم دولة #فلسطين الحرة إلى باقي الشعوب، رغم أنف الأعداء وحلفائهم.
#فلسطين_قضيتي❤️— أحمد البقري (@AhmedElbaqry) April 22, 2020
Many have also warned of the dangerous shift of Saudi officials adopting the Israeli narrative, which is raising serious concerns about the future for Palestine.
الذي أنشأ هاشتاق #فلسطين_ليست_قضيتي هم مجموعة (حنشل) ، لا يمثلون رأي الشعوب المسلمة!
ومن ينادي يقول: #فلسطين_قضيتي يرى أن القضية دين ليست سياسة ، وسينصرون القضية حتى لو تخاذل أو قصّر أحد من أهل فلسطين..!
(فمن ينشر الرذيلة في مجتمعه ويبيع شرفه ، يبيع الأقصى وأهلها)— مـصـلـح الـعـلـيـانـي (@musleh_alalyani) April 22, 2020